
  • 网络Marketing information;Marketing Message
  1. GIS技术在铁路货运营销信息系统中应用初探

    Discussion on Applying GIS Technology in Developing Railway Marketing Information System

  2. 市场营销信息系统(Marketinginformationsystem,MIS),是指一个由人员、机器和程序所构成的相互作用的复合体。

    Marketing information system ( MIS ) is a complex consisting of person , machine and program interacted between each other .

  3. CIMS环境下的企业营销信息系统设计

    Designing of Enterprise Marketing Information System under Environment of CIMS

  4. 建立铁路运输企业内部营销信息传播系统,必须解决好内部营销信息传播系统栏目设计、信息发布模式和Web服务器设立方法。

    Designing columns and publishing information models and establishing Web servers were must thought in establishing Inner Marketing Information System ( IMIS ) of Railway Transportation Co. .

  5. 网站相对较小并由IBM托管,但它不包含IBM的任何署名、徽标或市场营销信息。

    The Web site is relatively small and is being hosted by IBM , but it contains no IBM branding , logos , or marketing messages .

  6. ZFlip手机的“超薄玻璃”是这款三星手机的主打营销信息之一。

    The Z Flip 's " ultra thin glass " is one of Samsung 's primary marketing messages for the new phone .

  7. 然后根据目前企业应用存在的问题和业务需求,利用面向服务的体系结构,运用Web服务技术和智能客户端技术分析、设计了基于多层架构,具有偶尔连接特性的某公司的营销信息管理系统。

    And then , according to the problems and business requirements in building the architecture of enterprise system recently , by using Web Service , smart client through service-oriented architecture , we design the multi-layer structure enterprise sale information management system .

  8. 一些商学院仅仅把社交媒体当作另一个广告渠道,除了用Facebook、Twitter和LinkedIn发布营销信息之外,再没有开发别的用途。

    Some schools deploy social media as just another advertising channel , using Facebook , Twitter and LinkedIn for little more than broadcasting their marketing messages .

  9. 他们设计了巧妙的新方式,对使用谷歌眼镜(GoogleGlass)、智能手表、虚拟现实耳机和其他可穿戴设备的用户推送定制化的营销信息。

    Advertisers are already pouncing on wearables , devising new , clever ways to deliver personalized marketing messages directly to people who don Google Glass , smartwatches , virtual reality headsets and you name it .

  10. 本文简要讨论了营销信息系统的概念和发展,认为营销信息系统在本质上是协作处理系统,在对agent属性分析的基础上,提出了协作营销信息系统的结构。

    In this paper , we briefly discuss the conception and development of MKIS , and believe that a MKIS is a cooperative processing system . Based on the analysis of attitudes of agent , we give a structure of cooperative marketing information system .

  11. 电力营销信息系统中高压用电检查的业务功能需要完善,客户信息数据的采集手段需要改进,高压用电检查PDA系统应运而生。

    The function of high-voltage power utilization inspection in electricity marketing information system is not perfect and the way to collect the customer 's information data needs improving , so PDA system of high-voltage power utilization inspection comes into being .

  12. 结合成都SDA公司的案例,研究该公司如何在企业文化、技术创新机制和营销信息体系方面构筑自己的核心竞争优势。

    With the case of SDA Corp. in Chengdu , the article studies the company how to construct own core competence in corporate culture , technological innovation mechanism and marketing information system .

  13. WhatsApp的用户电话号码将成为现有数据库的一部分,该数据库可以与企业自有客户名单进行匿名匹配,从而创造一个受众群体,可向其展示特定营销信息。

    The number used by WhatsApp will become part of an existing database that can be anonymously matched with companies " own customer lists to create an audience to show a particular marketing message .

  14. 本文首先分析了决策支持系统、数据仓库技术和OLAP技术的研究发展现状,以及电力市场的发展对电力营销信息系统的要求,提出本文的课题背景和研究内容。

    Firstly , this thesis analyzes the research and development status of DSS , DW and OLAP , as well as the requirement to Power-Supply Marketing DSS under the development of power supply market , and points out the background and method of the researching task .

  15. 我们发现,无论我们再怎么改进产品和营销信息,消费者对这个品牌的记忆还是太强大了,使他们无法用全新的眼光和开放的心态来对待Myspace。

    We found that regardless of how much we improved the product or the marketing message –– consumers ' memories about the brand were too strong to allow them to view MySpace with fresh eyes and an open mind .

  16. 重庆烟草专卖与营销信息管理系统设计与实现

    Chongqing Tobacco Monopoly and Marketing Information Management System Design and Implementation

  17. 电力营销信息系统客户核心数据架构的设计

    Design of User 's Core-data Structure of Electricity Sales Information System

  18. 当人们传递营销信息的时候,最容易犯的错误是什么?

    What are the biggest mistakes people make with marketing messages ?

  19. 使用选入的所有营销信息发送给客户。

    Use opt-in for all marketing information sent to customers .

  20. 营销信息系统功能结构和开发研究

    A Study on the Functional Structure and Development of Marketing Information System

  21. 制药行业营销信息分析管理系统的设计

    Design for the Computer Information Analysis - Management System of Medicinal Trade

  22. 论企业营销信息的收集和应用

    Discussion on Collection and Application on Marketing Information in Enterprise

  23. 营销信息系统将企业与市场环境紧密联系起来,是成功营销实践的基础。

    Marketing Information System reflects integration of the enterprise and its marketing environment .

  24. 建立高质量的营销信息体系;

    Secondly high-quality marketing information system should be established .

  25. 现代企业营销信息系统的研究

    The Study on Marketing Information System of Modem Enterprises

  26. 铁路客运市场营销信息系统初探

    Primary Study of Marketing Information System for Passenger Transport

  27. 试论钢铁企业市场营销信息工作

    Discussion on Marketing Information for Iron and Steel Industry

  28. 就营销信息系统运行管理中的一些问题进行探讨,以期找到解决营销信息系统运行最佳效果的途径。

    This paper discusses some problems in operation management of marketing information system .

  29. 随着营销信息城乡一体化进程的推进,电子支付系统必然会在供电公司获得成功应用。

    With the process of marketing information union the system will gain successful application .

  30. 浅论现代企业的市场营销信息系统

    Discussion on Marketing Information Systems of Modern Enterprises