
yíng pán
  • military camp;barracks;camp
营盘 [yíng pán]
  • [camp;quaters;barracks] 军营的旧称

营盘[yíng pán]
  1. 步入Saint-Germain,仿佛置身于巴黎左岸一个优雅的咖啡馆,而西营盘高街地区的Metropolitain则焕发出一种蒙马特艺术气息。

    Step into Saint-Germain and you could be in an elegant caf é on Paris 's Left Bank , while Metropolitain in the upcoming Sai Ying Pun neighbourhood evokes an artsy Montmartre atmosphere .

  2. 可以想象当他们发现是个空的营盘时是何等的惊奇!

    Imagine their wonder and amazement to find the camp deserted !

  3. 众人就出去,掳掠亚兰人的营盘。

    Then the people went out and plundered the camp of the arameans .

  4. 瞬变电磁法在工程质量探测中的应用&以王营盘闸钢筋混凝土护坡为例

    Application of transient electromagnetic method in revetment quality detection

  5. 黄昏的时候,他们起来往亚兰人的营盘去。

    At dusk they got up and went to the camp of the Arameans .

  6. 以色列人追赶非利士人回来,就夺了他们的营盘。

    When the Israelites returned from chasing the Philistines , they plundered their camp .

  7. 所住之地是好是歹,所住之地是营盘是坚城?

    What kind of land do they live in ? Is it good or bad ?

  8. 营盘山:揭开古蜀人的神秘面纱

    Unveiling the Mystery of Ancient Shu People

  9. 他们得到怜悯还是被杀死了呢?他们所看到的是一个空空的营盘!

    Would they find mercy or meet their death ? What they found was .... an empty camp !

  10. 张宣地区小营盘、东坪金矿的地质地球化学对比粤西两类混合岩地质地球化学对比及与金成矿作用关系探讨

    Study on Geochemistry of two types of migmatites of West Guangdong and the relations between the migmatites and gold mineralization

  11. GB/T15530.6-1995铜合金对焊环松套板式钢法兰七号干线〔铜锣湾中环西营盘〕

    Loose plate steel flanges with copper alloy welding neck collar Route 7 [ Causeway Bay Central Sai Ying Pun ]

  12. 发展策略范围涵盖上环、西营盘、坚尼地城及其对开拟辟建的填海区。

    The area covered includes Sheung Wan , Sai Ying Pun , Kennedy Town and a proposed reclamation off Kennedy Town .

  13. 西港岛线由上环至坚尼地城的港岛线延线,途经西营盘及大学;

    Wil-west island line , an island line extension from Sheung Wan via Sai Ying pun , university to Kennedy town ;

  14. 该隧道连接港岛西营盘与九龙油麻地附近的西九龙填海区。

    Opened in April 1997 , it links Sai Ying Pun on Hong Kong Island and the West Kowloon Reclamation near Yau Ma Tei in Kowloon .

  15. 07方舟兽医诊所,香港西营盘第三街100号,真光大厦地库3号铺。

    The Ark Veterinary Hospital , Shop 3 , LG / F , True Light Building , 100 Third Street , Sai Ying Pun , Hong Kong .

  16. 在这远离营盘的深山,面对这么大的一群狼,他嘴里呼出的霜气都颤抖起来。

    Now he was face to face with a large pack deep in the mountains , far from camp , his misty breath quivering in the air .

  17. 七号干线〔铜锣湾中环西营盘〕主体部分由铝管盘成,焊接上铜管、铜制毛细管的蒸发器。

    Route 7 [ Causeway Bay Central Sai Ying Pun ] The main body part is coiled by the aluminum tube , welded with copper pipe , copper capillary vessels .

  18. 黄昏的时候,他们起来往亚兰人的营盘去。到了营边,不见一人在那里。

    So in the half light they got up to go to the tents of aram ; but when they came to the outer line of tents , there was no one there .

  19. 所以,在黄昏的时候他们起来逃跑,撇下帐棚,马,驴,营盘照旧,只顾逃命。

    Wherefore they arose and fled in the twilight , and left their tents , and their horses , and their asses , even the camp as it was , and fled for their life .

  20. 这10间“太空舱公寓”位于香港西营盘西,每间的活动区域仅有24平方英尺(2.2平方米),每月租金为5100港币(约658美元)。

    Ten " space capsule " units have just come on the market in the western Sai Ying Pun district , offering a total of 24sq ft ( 2.2 sq m ) of living space for HK $ 5100 ( $ 658 ) a month .

  21. 在广阔的世界战场上在“生活”的露天营盘中别像愚蠢的、驱使的牛羊!要做一个战斗的英雄。别依赖未来,无论多美好!让死的“过去”埋葬它自己行动吧!就趁活着的今朝

    field of battle , In the bivouac of Life , Be not like dumb , driven cattle ! Be a hero in the strife ! Trust no Future , howe'er pleasant ! Let the dead Past bury its dead ! Act , act in the living Present !