
yíng fáng
  • barrack
营房 [yíng fáng]
  • [barrack] 用作驻防的士兵住房

营房[yíng fáng]
  1. 他通告说军队和警察已经被禁闭在营房中不得外出。

    He announced that the army and police had been confined to barracks .

  2. 士兵们挨了罚,不能离开营房。

    As punishment , the soldiers were confined to barracks .

  3. 一队医生被拘留在一所营房内。

    A group of doctors were interned in a camp .

  4. 他和新娘子搬进营房里居住。

    He moved into the quarters with his bride .

  5. 营房被攻占之后遭到了毁坏。

    The camp was taken and destroyed .

  6. 营房每天都受到检查。

    The barracks was [ were ] inspected daily .

  7. 采用灰色预测方法对营房室内有害气体污染水平进行预测,在GM(1,1)模型的基础上进行改进,从而建立起营房室内有害气体污染水平预测模型。

    This paper sets up a forecast modal of the indoor gas pollution of barracks based on the modal of GM ( 1,1 ) .

  8. 大约在1943年4月,在纽曼和两位助手工作的F营房,邮政工程师们组装了第一台电子计数器。

    The Post Office engineers had been able to install a first electronic counting machine in Hut F , where Newman and his two assistants worked , in about April 1943 .

  9. 过去一年,很多大型住宅项目纷纷开工建设,包括海德公园营房(HydeParkBarracks)数百万英镑的重建项目。

    In the past year , a rash of large-scale housing projects have got under way , including the multimillion-pound redevelopment of Hyde Park Barracks .

  10. STARR:现行的性行为管理办法足以缓解士兵们对居住在很近的营房中的担忧。

    STARR : Existing regulations governing sexual behavior may be enough to allay concerns about living in close quarters .

  11. 针对用什么技术管的问题,研究了师(旅)级单位营房建设工程TCQ集成管理的关键技术。

    For " Use what technology to manage ", the study of the integrated management of the military construction project TCQ key technologies .

  12. 士兵赵开赫(ChoGae-hyuk,音)为本次活动创作了一部关于朝鲜战争的音乐短剧,他和五名韩国流行乐明星在一间营房里共住了四个月。他说,他们的职业道德令他感到吃惊。

    Cho Gae-hyuk , a soldier who composed a short musical about the Korean War for the festival and shared a barracks room with five of the K-pop stars for four months , said he was surprised by their work ethic .

  13. 其中对制定标准阶段中的合同的拟定进行了详细论述,为师(旅)级单位营房建设工程TCQ集成管理的实施奠定了法律基础。

    One of the standard-setting stage of the preparation of contracts discussed in detail , the military construction projects for the integrated management of the implementation of TCQ laid a legal foundation .

  14. 寒区部队营房最佳采暖温度和通风量的研究

    Study on comfortable temperature and ventilation of troop barracks in cold

  15. 营房管理地理信息系统的设计及实现

    The Design and Implementation of Geography Information System of Barracks Management

  16. 到这时,壕沟差不多已经把营房完全围住。

    By now , the trench circled the camp almost completely .

  17. 我亦有身处营房的儿子。

    From me came the son who is in the barracks .

  18. 山脚下建了一座营房。

    A barracks is built at the foot of the mountain .

  19. 排长们在营房广场上整顿队伍。

    Platoon sergeants fell their men in on the barrack square .

  20. 快回营房里去

    Come on , go back to the quarters right now .

  21. 已婚人员营房是军人与其眷属所住的宿舍。

    Married quarters are houses where soldiers live with their families .

  22. 营房粉刷工作要开始。

    A painting job on a dormitory , will now commence .

  23. 在营房里,全营军官都在一起吃饭。

    In barracks all the officers of a battalion mess together .

  24. 营房室内有害气体污染预测研究

    The Forecast of the Indoor Harmful Gas Pollution of Barracks

  25. 军队院校抓好营房建设质量的体会

    Experience of Grasping Well Barracks Building Quality in Military Academy

  26. “为什么要盖这么多营房或者说牢房呢?”

    " Why build all those barracks , or jailhouses ?"

  27. 全面建设现代后勤赋予了营房建设新的使命任务。

    Modern logistics construction gives the barracks building new mission .

  28. 一个小男孩牵着头驴子穿过部队营房。

    A small boy leading a donkey passed by an Army camp .

  29. 上尉让他的士兵回营房去。

    The captain sent the soldiers back to their quarters .

  30. 炮台有营房十五所及大炮八门。

    It consisted of fifteen guardhouses and was armed with eight cannons .