
dǎng de jiàn shè
  • the Party building
党的建设[dǎng de jiàn shè]
  1. 第五,继续推进党的建设,努力为推动科学发展、促进社会和谐提供坚强保证。

    Fifth , continue to promote the Party building , take efforts to provide strong warranty for promoting scientific development and social harmony .

  2. 党的建设:从民营企业角度的分析

    The Party Building Work : At the Point of Private Enterprise

  3. 加入WTO后党的建设的前瞻性思考

    A Consideration on Construction of the CPC Party After China Join WTO

  4. 中国加入WTO,给企业党的建设提出了许多新的要求;

    The accession to WTO puts forward many new requests to the enterprises Party building .

  5. 全面推进党的建设伟大工程,是这一理论产生的现实基础;

    To enhance the construction of CPC is the realistic basis ;

  6. 落实三个代表要求大力加强非公有制企业党的建设

    Implement " Three Represents ", Strength the Party in Non-Public Enterprises

  7. 加强和改进非公有制经济组织党的建设浅见

    Strengthen and Improve the Party 's Construction in the Non-publicly-owned Economy

  8. 发扬三大作风,促进党的建设

    Give Full Play to Three Main Styles to Promote Party Building

  9. 全面加强党的建设,向社会主义高水平大学迈进

    Strengthen the Party Construction and Stride toward a Socialism Well-advanced University

  10. 先进文化代表与高校党的建设

    Advanced Culture Representative and Party Building in Colleges and Universities

  11. 私营企业党的建设有效性研究

    Study on the Efficiency of Party - construction of Private-enterprises

  12. 加强党的建设提高党的战斗力

    Strengthening Party Building and Enhancing the Party 's Combat Effectiveness

  13. 本文论述的是党的建设科学发展问题。

    This article discusses the scientific development of party building .

  14. 抓住了先进性建设,就抓住了党的建设的根本。

    Catching construction of advance is catching the base of the Party-building .

  15. 学习科学理论加强党的建设

    Studying the scientific theory tightening up our Party 's building

  16. 关于执政为民和党的建设的几点思考

    Discourse on Governing in the Name of the People and Party Building

  17. 思想建设是党的建设的基础。

    Ideological building is the foundation of the Party building .

  18. 试论加强党的建设与提高党的执政能力

    Strengthening the CPC 's Building and Enhancing the CPC 's Governing Ability

  19. 论市场经济与党的建设

    On the Market Economy and the Construction of the CPC

  20. 加强党的建设,减少政治资源流失

    Strengthen the Party 's Construction , Reduce the Loss of Political Resource

  21. 加强党的建设,迎接新世纪的挑战

    Consolidating the Party 's Building , Meeting the Challenge of the New Century

  22. 高校党的建设的创新

    Initiative in the Building of the Party at University

  23. 按照三个代表要求全面加强党的建设关于素质教育的思考

    Overall Reinforcement of the Party 's Leadership by the Requirement of Three Embodiments

  24. 加强党的建设。

    There are three requirements for improving party construction .

  25. 论新时期社区党的建设的若干政治意义

    On Political Significance of the Party Construction in Community in the New Period

  26. 加强党内监督是新时期党的建设的重大课题。

    To strengthen inner-party supervision is an great subject .

  27. 非公有制企业党的建设,是我们党的建设一个新领域。

    Non-public enterprise party construction is the new field of our party construction .

  28. 党的建设要始终代表广大人民的根本利益

    Construction of the CPC must consistently represent the fundamental interests of the people

  29. 坚持理论创新加强党的建设

    Keep The Theoretical Innovation To Strengthen Party Construction

  30. 信息网络化与党的建设

    Information Net work and Construction of the Party