
  • 网络The Daughter of the Party;The Daughter of the Communism;Dang de nu er
  1. 从《原野》与《党的女儿》的比较探析中国歌剧的发展道路

    An Analysis of the Development of Opera in China with a Comparison of " Savage Land " and " The Daughter of the Party "

  2. 通过对歌剧《党的女儿》的分析研究,探析中国民族歌剧的发展方向与前景。

    With the study of " The Daughter of the Party ", the thesis aims to explore the prospects and directions of the development of Chinese national opera .

  3. 党的女儿:我代表党,代表人民宣判你的死刑。

    On behalf of the Communist Party of China and people , I sentence you to death .

  4. 比较分析《白毛女》和《党的女儿》中主人公的女高音唱段,以探求演唱者表现艺术作品的情感与思想意义。

    Comparative analysis of the soprano aria in " White-haired girl " and " Daughter of the Party ," intends to explore the artist 's emotional performance art and thought .

  5. 包括创作背景、作曲家简介和歌剧创作所包含的文学、美学思想。第二部分主要论述了民族歌剧《党的女儿》的艺术形象塑造。

    It contains creative background , synopsis of composers , and opera produce with its literature and artistic ideas . Second , it mainly discusses molding of artistic visual of the daughter of the Party of folk opera .

  6. 她是党的好女儿。

    She is a worthy daughter of the party .

  7. “我代表党,代表人民,宣判你的死刑。”&《党的女儿》。

    I sentence you to death , in the name of the Party , the people . – 'Daughter of The Party '