
  1. 国有企业如何贯彻《党政领导干部选拔任用工作条例》,尽快把优秀青年人才选拔到领导岗位上来,是关系企业长远发展的重大问题。

    It is a problem of great importance relating to the long term development of the enterprises how to implement " Working Regulations for Selection and Appointment of Party and Government Leading Cadres " and select qualified young personnel for the leading posts .

  2. 用好的作风选人,选作风好的人,是新时期党对干部选拔任用工作的新要求,也是《党政领导干部选拔任用工作条例》的基本内容。

    Selecting persons by good style and selecting persons with good style are the new requests to the Party for selecting and appointing cadres in the new period . It is also the key and important content to strengthen and improve the Party 's style .