
  • 网络party cadres;cadres
  1. 为了使农村党员干部现代远程教育对民族地区的经济社会发展发挥更加积极的作用。

    To party cadres modern distance education in rural areas of the nation should play a more positive role in economic and social development .

  2. 农村党员干部现代远程教育与农村信息化发展

    The Modern Distance Education for Party Cadres in the Countryside from the View of Rural Informatization

  3. IPTV应用&农村党员干部现代远程教育系统研究

    Research On IPTV Application of Modern Distance Education For Rural Party Members And Cadres System

  4. 党员干部要养成调查研究的习惯

    Party 's Cadre Needs a Habit of Investigation and Research

  5. 全省党员干部思想道德状况调查分析

    Survey of Ideology and Moral Condition of the Provincial Party Member Cadre

  6. 对农村党员干部远程教育管理的研究

    The Research of Rural Party Members ' Distance Education Management

  7. 结合历史经验谈如何加强新时期的党员干部教育管理工作

    On the educational administrative work for the Party members from a historical viewpoint

  8. 试论农村基层党员干部能力建设&以新余市为例

    On the capability development of grassroots Party members and leaders in the countryside

  9. 论青年党员干部的党性修养

    On the strengthening of the Party spirit of young Party member cadre s

  10. 马克思主义公共权力理论与党员干部的权力观教育研究

    Research of Marxism Public Power Theory and Party Member Cadres ' Education of Power Concept

  11. 论党员干部的廉洁自律

    Discussion on the Probity and self - discipline of the Porty members and the Cadres

  12. 切实转变生活作风,不断提高党员干部的综合素质

    To Change Life Style and To Improve the All-round Competence of Cadres of CPC Members

  13. 党员干部留下来,让学生先走!

    Party members and cadres to stay , to enable students to take the lead !

  14. 三是组织人事制度不健全和许多党员干部的政治素质降低。

    Uncompleted system of organizational personnel and the political quality degradation of many communist cadres .

  15. 支持或直接参与伪科学活动的党员干部则是不可原谅的。

    The party members who support or take part in pseudoscience activities will not be forgivable .

  16. 每一个党员干部都应当接受这场文化的涅盘,接受这场灵魂的洗礼。

    Each members should experience this culture nirvana , and accept this baptism of the soul .

  17. 构筑思想道德防线是反腐倡廉的基础筑牢党员干部拒腐防变思想道德防线

    Firmly Constructing Ideological Moral Line of Defense for Party Members to Refuse Corruption and Guard Against Deterioration

  18. 从苏东剧变看加强对党员干部教育的重要性

    The Importance of Education to Party Members Cadres from the Subversion of the Soviet Union Eastern Europe

  19. 对党员干部而言,理论学习,一刻也不能放松。

    For Party members and cadres , the study of theory cannot be relaxed for a second .

  20. 适应需求,扎实推进农村党员干部现代远程教育

    Adapting to needs and earnestly promoting modern long-distance education among party members and cadres in the countryside

  21. 教育是提高党员干部政治道德水平的根本途径。

    Education is a fundamental way of improving the level of Political morality of Cadres of CCP .

  22. 谈反腐败防线的构筑&兼论党员干部队伍建设

    On Establishing the Anti-Corruption Defense-Line & Also on Building a Contingent of Cadres of CPC Party Members

  23. 采取措施解决民族地区开展农村党员干部现代远程教育所急需的资金;

    Take measures to solve the ethnic party cadres modern distance education in rural areas of much-needed funding .

  24. 完善党员干部直接联系群众制度。

    We should improve the system for Party members and officials to maintain direct contact with the people .

  25. 提升农村党员干部为民服务能力的对策研究

    A Study on the Countermeasures to Promoting Rural Party Members and Cadres ' Ability of Serving the Farmers

  26. 要抓好农村党员干部现代远程教育中的基础性工作等建议。

    Party members and cadres to modern distance education in rural areas work on the basis of such recommendations .

  27. 由此可见现代远程教育系统在党员干部学习过程中的重要性。

    This shows that distance education system , party members and cadres in the importance of the learning process .

  28. 我们必须充分认识新形势下提高高校党员干部素质的必要性。

    We should fully realize the necessity of improving qualities of Communist cadres in higher institutes under new situation .

  29. 总结历史经验,加强和改进对党员干部的思想政治工作

    Sum up our experience to strengthen and improve ideological and political work with regard to party members and cadres

  30. 我们的党员干部必须全心全意为人民服务才能够在群众中有威信。

    Our party members and cadres must be able to serve the people wholeheartedly and prestige among the masses .