
  • requirements for a party member
  1. 现在任何一个老同志和高级干部,合乎不合乎党员标准和干部标准,就看他能不能认真选好合格的接班人。

    Today , the criterion for judging if an old comrade or higher cadre measures up to the requirements for a Party member or a cadre is whether he makes a serious effort to select qualified successors .

  2. 试论新时期大学生党员标准及其构建

    On the Standards of Party Member for University Students in New Era

  3. 党员标准80年实践及理论探讨

    On the Standard of Party Members and Its Practice During the Past Eighty Years

  4. 构建大学生党员标准的必要性与可能性

    Research on the Necessity and Probability of Constructing Party Member 's Criteria Among College Students

  5. 全面把握学生党员标准开创高校学生党建工作新局而

    Grasp Standards for Student Party Members and Start New Situation of the Party Building in Universities

  6. 大学生党员标准贯穿学生党建工作的全过程;

    Standards of Party member for university students are very important for cultivating student Party members .

  7. 实践党员标准的学习活动、科技活动和青年志愿者活动等。

    Start the party standard practice learning activities , science and technology activities and youth volunteer activities , etc.

  8. 全面认识并构建新时期大学生党员标准,对加强和改进高校党建和思想政治工作具有十分重要的现实意义。

    So it is of great significance in improving political work of the Party to develop standards of Party member for university students in new era .

  9. 党的组织路线应服从、服务于政治路线,不同时期党员标准,党员成分体现着不同的时代特征。

    The route of organization should be subjected to the political route , the party 's criterion and component in different stage should embody the different contemporary specialty .

  10. 从容的言语,自信的举止,她用行动告诉我们她会更严格地以党员标准要求自己,并表达了对老师和领导的感激之情。

    With the quiet words , confident manner , she told us in her action that she will be stricter to party member standard , and to express her gratitude to the teachers and leaders .

  11. 为提高党员的标准而斗争,这是当前党的重要的政治任务之一。

    Working hard to raise the standards of Party membership is one of the Party 's important political tasks at the present time .

  12. 当前高校学生党建工作存在理论创新研究不到位、学生党员发展标准不全面、学生党建工作管理机制缺乏科学性等问题。

    At present , some problems exist in the Party construction of university students , such as the inadequate theory innovation study , incomplete access criteria of student Party members , and the less-scientific management mechanism of the Party construction of university students .

  13. 高校学生党员先进性标准探讨

    The discussion of maintaining progressiveness for CPC members of college students

  14. 现在我必须要看看你的党员证,标准指挥官。

    Now I must ask to look at your party card , standard leader .

  15. 吸收党员社会成分标准的历史考察

    Historical Inspection On The Standard Of ″ Social Component ″ While Absorbing New Party Member

  16. 发展党员工作必须坚持标准,保证质量。

    Recruiting the Party members must keep the criterion and quality .

  17. 党的先进性与党员先进性,党员标准与党员先进性标准,党员先进性标准与党员先进性要求既有内在的联系,又有本质的区别。

    There are intrinsic relations and essential differences between the advanced nature of the Party and the Party and the criteria for the advanced nature of Party members , the criteria of the Party 's advanced nature and the advanced nature of the Party members .

  18. 能否自觉地为实现党的路线和纲领而奋斗,是否符合党员条件,是吸收新党员的主要标准。

    The main criteria to admit a person into the Party are whether he or she works wholeheartedly for the implementation of the Party 's line and program and meets the requirements for the Party membership .

  19. 文章从党员发展工作的重要性,入党积极分子的队伍建设、培养考察,党员的标准,以及预备党员的教育等方面作了一些探讨,提出了如何做好党员发展工作的一些思路。

    The present paper discusses the importance of admitting new Party members , the instruction of enthusiasts , the standards of Party members , and the training of probationary Party members . It presents some reflections on how to admit new Party members .