
  • 网络bgp;oriental enterprise
  1. 第三部分:东方公司的战略制定。

    Part three : formulating strategy for Dongfang company .

  2. 可以送我们去东方公司吗?

    Could you take us to Dongfang company ?

  3. 你在简历中说,你曾在东方公司当过秘书。

    I see by your resume that you worked as a Secretary for Orient company .

  4. 第四部分:东方公司的战略实施中的管理与控制、风险防范。

    Part four : strategy implementation management and controlling , risk prevention of Dongfang company .

  5. 为东方公司制定了采取差异化的业务层战略,公司层战略采用前向一体化和相关多元化的战略。

    Formulate the business-level strategy : differentiation strategy , the corporate-level strategy : forward integration and relatedness diversification strategy .

  6. 本文针对东方公司发展现状,从经济环境、技术环境、政策与法律环境等方面分析了电力自动化产品的市场环境;

    Pointing to the present condition of East Company , the paper makes an analysis of the marketing environment of electric automation products from the perspectives of economic environment , technology environment and policy environment ;

  7. 本文重点分析了东方公司的营销策略体系。从战略定位及营销组合方面,详细论述了东方公司现行的营销组合策略,并对针对营销现状,分析了营销的优势及存在的问题与不足。

    This paper has analyzed the marketing strategy system of the Eastern company mainly , from the aspects of the strategic localization and combination strategy , We describe the present marketing situation in details and analyze superiority and point out the problems and the insufficiency of the company .

  8. 周三晚,中国东方航空公司(ChinaEasternAirlines)发布业绩预增公告,称上半年盈利将升至5.75亿美元。

    Late on Wednesday China Eastern Airlines issued an alert that first-half profit would rise to $ 575m .

  9. Symphony系统在辽宁东方发电公司的应用

    The Application of Symphony System to Liaoning Dongfang Power Generating Company

  10. 中国东方航空公司(chinaeasternairlines)董事罗祝平表示,东航中高层管理人员的薪水将削减10-30%。

    Luo Zhuping , a director of China Eastern Airlines , said salaries for middle and high-level executives would be cut by 10-30 per cent .

  11. 本文重点介绍英国东方电力公司(EasternElectricity)的一个配电网自动化方案的实施例子。

    This paper therefore focuses on an example of a distribution automation scheme implemented for one of the UK 's distribution companies , Eastern Electricity .

  12. 东方电子公司的BPR探索

    Probing BPR in Dongfang Electronic Corporation

  13. 本周中国国际航空公司(airchina)和中国东方航空公司(chinaeasternairlines)发布的财报显示,自那以后,航空公司在手中的对冲合约到期后,没有购买任何新的对冲产品。

    Since then the airlines have let their existing hedging arrangement expire and have not entered any new ones , according to financial statements published this week by Air China and China Eastern Airlines .

  14. 东方航空公司采用CBT进行各种培训

    Training Based on CBT in China Eastern Airlines

  15. 她在一家书店短暂工作了一段时间,之后开始做预订员,先是为东方航空公司(EasternAirlines),后来是为英国海外航空公司(BOAC)。

    After working briefly at a bookstore , she found work as a reservations agent , first for Eastern Airlines and later for BOAC .

  16. 中国东方航空公司MU5145班机12:10起飞。

    B : China Eastern Airline Flight MU5145 takes off at12:10 .

  17. 阮轩平说,5月之前,岘港中国人入境旅游市场的增长,主要和2012年以来包机航班的急剧增多有关,经营这些航班的有越南航空公司(VietnamAirlines)、中国东方航空公司和中国南方航空公司。

    Mr. Binh , the Da Nang tourism official , said growth in the city 's inbound Chinese tourism market before May was mainly related to a sharp rise since 2012 in charter flights operated by Vietnam Airlines , China Eastern Airlines and China Southern Airlines .

  18. 该平台采用3层体系结构,并采用MVC架构进行平台设计,适合于各种行业呼叫中心应用,并成功运用于中国东方航空公司的呼叫中心。

    Using three-tier architecture based on J2EE , designed by MVC architecture , the platform can be applied to call center of almost all the fields . Now the application platform proposed has been applied to the call center of China Eastern Airlines Co. , Ltd.

  19. 东方航空公司航班中途要在哪儿停?

    Where would the stopover be for the Oriental flight ?

  20. 你可以帮我将机票转让东方航空公司吗?

    Can you endorse my ticket to China east lines ?

  21. 东航英语培训系统就是在这一背景下为东方航空公司设计的英语培训系统。

    China Eastern Air English Training System is designed in this background .

  22. 上海东方钢铁公司采购管理研究

    Eastern Steel in Shanghai Company Buys the Management Research

  23. 中国东方航空公司当着男子的面处理了此事,并停掉了这张“粮票”。

    Eastern China Airlines officials confronted him and the human meal ticket was stopped .

  24. 东方物流公司发展战略研究

    Research about Development Stratagem of Orient Logistics Company

  25. 我预订在五点十分搭乘东方航空公司的班机飞去迈阿密。

    I 'm supposed to catch an Eastern Airlines flight to Miami at 5:10 .

  26. 东方机械公司将为华光公司提供工程帮助及技术服务。

    East machinery co will provide engineering assistance and technical service to uh guano corporation .

  27. 中国东方航空公司和中国南方航空公司均未回复请求就此事置评的电子邮件。

    China Eastern Airlines and China Southern Airlines did not respond to email seeking comment .

  28. 东方焊接公司实施企业项目化管理的运作模式探讨

    Discussion about Operation Mold of Corporation Manage as Project Implemented by " Dongfang Weld "

  29. 为保持持久创新能力,东方信通公司通过了软件企业和软件产品认证;

    To keep sustainable innovation capability , Eastern Communication Company have certified software enterprise and products ;

  30. 只有东方航空公司的216次航班,上午9点45分起飞。

    The only flight available is Eastern Airlines 216 , which leaves at 9 ∶ 45 a. m.