
  1. 坚持党的纪律,反对自由主义。

    Abide by Party discipline ; do not pursue liberalism .

  2. 略论党建中严明党的纪律的必要性

    On Necessity of the strict and impartial party discipline in the Party Building

  3. 遵守党的纪律,维护党的团结统一;

    Observing the Party principle and maintaining the solidarity and unity of the Party ;

  4. (二)党的纪律之一是少数服从多数。

    One requirement of Party discipline is that the minority should submit to the majority .

  5. 因此,党的纪律检查机关实际上行使着一种准司法职能。

    Therefore , CDIC in fact is exercising one kind of " quasi-judicial " function .

  6. 这就放松了党的纪律,甚至保护了一些坏人。

    Consequently , Party discipline has been lax that some bad people have been shielded .

  7. 第八章党的纪律检查机关

    Party Organs for Discipline Inspection

  8. 改革和完善党的纪律检查体制,建立和完善巡视制度。

    We should reform and improve the system of Party Discipline Inspection and introduce and improve the system of inspection tours .

  9. 用在党员身上,这意味着在党的纪律要求你说黑就是白时,你就有这样自觉的忠诚。

    Applied to a Party member , it means a loyal willingness to say that black is white when Party discipline demands this .

  10. 谁要违反这一点,谁就要受到党的纪律的处分。党的纪律检查工作要把这一点作为当前的重点。

    The Party should take disciplinary measures against anyone violating this principle , and this should be the focus of its discipline inspection work at present .

  11. 从分析党的纪律与国家法律法规既具有密切联系,又属于不同的范畴出发,阐明了党的纪律和法律相辅相成的关系,指出深入开展反腐败斗争,必须把党纪和国法都建设好。

    From analyzing the relation between discipline and law , the author point out that both discipline and law play an important role in anti - corruption .

  12. 党的纪律检查委员会、国家行政监察体制、听证制度的确立使公民监督权利行使有了制度保障。

    The establishment of the Discipline Committee of CPC , the National Administrative Supervision System and the Hearing System help the people to implement supervision right at institutional level .

  13. 鉴于张国焘严重地破坏纪律的行为,必须重申党的纪律:(一)个人服从组织;

    In view of Chang Kuo-tao 's serious violations of discipline , we must affirm anew the discipline of the Party , namely : ( 1 ) the individual is subordinate to the organization ;

  14. 党的纪律检查机关与行政监察机关的合署办公,是我国党政监察体制的一项重大改革,是党的纪律检查工作正确处理同行政监察工作之间关系的一个合理有效的形式。

    Co-operative work of Party 's departments of inspecting discipline and administrative supervise is a great reform in inspecting system of Party , and a reasonable , effective form for correctly solving the relation between administration and inspection .

  15. 文章分析了维护和遵守党的政治纪律的重要性,在剖析遵守党的政治纪律现状的基础上,提出了维护和遵守党的政治纪律的措施。

    The author elaborates the importance of the maintenance and abidance of the Party 's political discipline and puts forward some measures to practice it after analyzing its current state .

  16. 遵守和维护党的四大纪律

    Observing and Defending the Party 's Four Discipline

  17. 在党的建设中党内纪律监督和监察占有十分重要的地位和作用。

    Supervision and inspection plays an important part in the Party construction .

  18. 世界上不管什么党都有自己的纪律。

    Actually , every party in the world has its own discipline .

  19. 从加强理想信念、党的宗旨、组织纪律等三方面的修养,阐述了党员领导干部做表率的实施途径。

    Besides , the article also demonstrates the performing ways of setting examples of leading cadres by strengthening ideological belief , aim and organizing principles of the Party .

  20. 正因为这样,工人阶级政党的领袖,必须是密切联系群众的模范,必须是服从党的组织、遵守党的纪律的模范。

    Precisely because of this , they must set an example in maintaining close contact with the masses , obeying Party organizations and observing rules of Party discipline .

  21. 为了坚持和改善党的领导,必须加强党的纪律。

    In order to uphold and improve Party leadership , Party discipline must be strengthened .

  22. 在推进反腐败工作和党的作风建设过程中,党的纪律检查和行政监察工作发挥着特殊的重要作用。

    The discipline inspection and administration of the party working to give play to special important function , in the course of advancing the anti-corruption work and style construction of the party .

  23. 所以,要坚持和改善党的领导,必须严格地维护党的纪律,极大地加强纪律性。

    Thus , in order to uphold and improve Party leadership , it is essential to strictly uphold and greatly strengthen Party discipline .

  24. 我们一定要坚持党的领导,改善党的领导,加强党的纪律和战斗力,使我们能够胜任对于整个国家和各族人民的巨大领导责任。

    We must uphold and improve Party leadership and strengthen the party 's discipline and fighting capacity so as to measure up to our responsibility , the enormous responsibility of leading our country and the people of all its nationalities .

  25. 党面临的形势越复杂,肩负的任务越艰巨,就越要加强党的纪律建设,越要维护党的集中统一。

    The more complexities the Party faces and the more arduous the tasks it undertakes , the more imperative it is for the Party to strengthen its discipline and uphold centralized leadership .

  26. 这种官僚主义常常以“党的领导”、“党的指示”、“党的利益”、“党的纪律”的面貌出现,这是真正的管、卡、压。

    This kind of bureaucratism often masquerades as " party leadership "," party directives "," party interests " and " party discipline ", but actually it is designed to control people , hold them in check and oppress them .

  27. 各级党组织和每个党员都要严格按照党的章程和党内法规行事,严格遵守党的纪律。

    All the party organizations and members should act in strict compliance with the party constitution and other regulations of the party and observe Party discipline to the letter .