
  • 网络socialist reform
  1. 中苏社会主义改革模式比较

    Comparison of socialist reform pattern between China and Soviet

  2. 对社会主义改革基本问题的理论思考

    Theoretical Thinking about Basic Issues of Socialist Reform

  3. 列宁社会主义改革思想的民本特质

    On Lenin 's Socialist Reforming Thought & " People First "

  4. 马克思社会自我批判视阈中的中国社会主义改革

    Chinese Socialism Reform in the Visual Threshold of Marx Social Self-criticism

  5. 社会主义改革。浅论我国政府会计的现状及改革思路

    Talking about the Present Situation and Reform Ideas of Chinese Governmental Accounting

  6. 为我国社会主义改革提供了新依据。

    It provides a new basis for socialism reform .

  7. 推进社会主义改革必须坚持人的尺度

    Insisting on Human Scale to Promote Socialist Reform

  8. 列宁社会主义改革思想述论

    Review of Lenin 's Thoughts on Socialist Reform

  9. 社会主义改革的历史哲学思考

    Philosophical Consideration of the History of Socialist Reform

  10. 社会主义改革市场经济取向的再寻绎&基于主体意识的视角

    Rethinking About the Reform of Socialist Market Economy : From Perspective of Subject Consciousness

  11. 在社会主义改革开放的新时期,实现了第二次历史性飞跃。

    The new period of socialist reform and opening-up has seen the second historical leap .

  12. 中国特色社会主义改革的基本特点

    Essentials of socialist reform with Chinese characteristics

  13. 今天的社会主义改革是在继承社会主义改造成果的基础上,对社会主义改造的完善与发展。

    Today , socialism reformation is carrying on the socialism alteration , perfecting and developing it .

  14. 十年建设时期党对社会主义改革的探索及其历史经验

    The Party 's Exploration about Socialism Reformation and Its History Experience in the Decade Construction Period

  15. 社会主义改革与新思维

    Socialist Reform and New Thought

  16. 社会主义改革的本质,就是解放和发展社会主义社会的生产力。

    The essence of socialist reform is to liberate and develop the productivity of the socialist society .

  17. 社会主义改革。

    The reformation of socialism .

  18. 社会主义改革时期,数理统计学被重新并入统计学的范畴。

    With the reform and open up , the category of statistics begun to include mathematical statistics .

  19. 一部为社会主义改革奠定哲学基础的伟大著作&学习《关于正确处理人民内部矛盾的问题》的一点体会

    A masterpiece That Lays Philosophical Foundation for Socialist Reform & Studying PROPERLY HANDLE CONTRADICTIONS INSIDE THE PEOPLE

  20. 本文就这段历史做了深入探讨,总结了党对社会主义改革初步探索的成果和失误,为当今社会主义体制改革总结了经验教训。

    The paper summarizes its accomplishment and errors ; it also provides some experience for socialism reformation today .

  21. 全党同志必须牢固树立社会主义改革和发展的基本观点和自觉性。

    All comrades in the party should firmly implant in mind this basic viewpoint and awareness on socialist reform and development .

  22. 人的全面发展问题不但是马克思主义理论学说本质要求,而且是中国特色社会主义改革的关键。

    The all-round development of Marxist theories is not only essential requirement of socialism with Chinese characteristics and is key to reform .

  23. 对苏联、东欧国家的考察,着重于社会主义改革理论和经验的借鉴。

    The investigation of the Soviet Union and East European countries focused on drawing wisdom in theory and experience of socialist reform .

  24. 它既是一场经济改革又不是工党社会主义改革的一次重大试验。

    It is at once an economic reform , and an important experiment of the socialist reform carried out by the Labor Party .

  25. 公投前,他曾呼吁他的支持者们赞同他的计划,以便给他更多的时间来进行他的社会主义改革。

    Mr. Chavez had urged people to support the measure to give him more time in office to carry out his socialist-inspired reforms .

  26. 社会主义改革使农村养老的经济基础、养老主体、养老道德规范、养老内容和养老价值观念发生巨大变化。

    The economic foundation , the main , moral standards , contents and values of rural endowment have made tremendous changes by socialist reform .

  27. 社会主义改革思想,是列宁给社会主义事业乃至人类历史留下的宝贵遗产。

    The thoughts on socialist reform is one of Lenin 's legacy to the course of socialism , even to the history of human beings .

  28. 我们把改革开放叫作社会主义改革开放,因为它是中国社会主义制度的自我完善和发展。

    We refer to our reform and opening-up as socialist reform and opening-up because it is a self-improvement and development of the socialist system in China .

  29. 第四部分总结了十年建设时期社会主义改革的历史经验,包括:改革的指导思想必须坚持实事求是的思想路线;

    The fourth part summarizes the experience for the socialism reformation today . It includes that the leading thought of reformation must insist the practical and realistic thought route ;

  30. 党的十一届三中全会,是中国社会主义改革史上的一个界碑。

    The Third Plenary Session of the 11th Central Committee of the Communist Party of China was a boundary marker in the history of the socialist reform of China .