
  • 网络unbalanced;unbalanced type
  1. 最后结合三个典型的案例分析了情绪智力技能发展的三种模式即平衡高型、平衡低型与不平衡型。

    The development of skills is unique to individuals , so we analyzed three development model with three typical cases . The three models were balanced and high , balanced and low , unbalanced .

  2. 大小两个峰值区中间有一个地价凹陷,地价从峰值区中心向边缘逐渐降低,既有一定的空间连续性又存在空间变异性和区域不平衡型。

    Size of the two peak areas exists a premium of depression , decreases premium to the edge of the peak district , which both contains a certain degree of spatial continuity and spatial variability , and regional unbalanced type .

  3. 在螺杆制冷压缩机动力计算中,求轴向力、径向力时,尤其以求取不平衡型面面积最为复杂,本文结合制冷工况。

    In dynamic calculation of the screw refrigerating compressor , it is the most complex to find unbalance model face area during working out axis force , and radial force .

  4. 孙的气质是先天性的(即由生理机制所决定的),他的气质类型是胆汁质与多血质的混合类型,其高级神经活动类型是强而不平衡型。

    His temperament was congential , its type a mixed one including the choler one and the polycythemia one , the type of his high nerve actions the strong and inequality one .

  5. 本文按旋转对称型刚性摆盘的三种类型(静平衡型、不平衡型、转缸机摆盘)进行了摆盘惯性载荷原理的推导论证并讨论了它们的实用意义。

    The inertia load theorems of three types of rotational symmetric rigid wobble plate ( i.e. static balance type , non-static balance type and the type used in the rotary cylinder unit engine ) are derived and their practical meanings are also discussed .

  6. 介绍了三相不平衡系统静止型动态无功补偿装置的控制原理、设计思想及工程实现。

    The control principle , design idea and engineering fulfilment of TCT static var compensator in unbalanced three-phase system are introduced .

  7. 第四章介绍了电网电压不平衡时三相电压型PWM整流器的控制策略。

    Chapter 4 introduces the control strategy of PWM rectifier under unbalanced grid voltage .

  8. 结论:术前肩部不平衡主要为Lenke1型及Lenke2型患者。上胸椎侧凸畸形对肩部平衡产生关键性影响。

    Conclusion : The most significant shoulder imbalance before operation is occured in the Lenke 1 and Lenke 2.The proximal thoracic curve has critical influence on the shoulder balance .