
  • 网络method of class analysis
  1. 本文第一部分运用马克思主义的历史唯物主义和阶级分析方法,对人民性和墨子思想之人民性的含义进行了界定,以此作为本文立论的基础。

    In the first part , with the historic materialism of Marxism and the method of class analysis , affinity to people and affinity to people of Mohism are defined and regarded as the basis of making a point in this dissertation .

  2. 阶级分析方法是马克思主义的基本方法。

    The class analysis is a basic method of Marxism .

  3. 第一章介绍了论文的目的、论文所选取的时代背景及所采用的阶级分析方法。

    Chapter one introduces the purpose the backdrop of the thesis , and class-analyzing way that used in the thesis .

  4. 但是,马克思这种阶级分析方法在有些地方不够明确和完善,需要加以进一步澄清、修正、补充。

    Yet , this method had not been clear and perfect in some places and needed to be further clarified , modified , and recruited .

  5. 社会性别研究方法弥补了传统法学关于妇女权利研究方法的不足,更是对法学研究领域中传统的阶级分析方法的修正。

    Gender analysis not only fills the gap in conventional legal studies of the studies of women 's rights but also adjusts the traditional methods of class analysis .

  6. 论文借助规范与经验结合的方法、马克思主义阶级分析方法和历史研究方法这三种研究方法对这一核心观点进行了论证。

    The dissertation illustrates the core viewpoint with the help of the following three basic research methods : the combination of canonical research method and experiential one , Marxist methods of class analysis and historical approach .

  7. 采用阶级分析的方法,制定争取农民同盟者的方针、政策;

    Formulate the necessary policies by means of class analysis ;

  8. 二是以《帝国主义论》为代表的运用阶级分析的方法对帝国主义问题的研究。

    The other is his study of imperialism with the method of class analysis , as is exemplified in his On Imperialism .

  9. 并以阶级分析的方法对二者所处的历史环境和面临的历史任务简要论述二者之间的关系。

    Analysis in which the history of both the environment and historical tasks facing the relationship between the two briefly discussed in a class analysis method .

  10. 以往的近代哲学研究更多地是运用阶级分析的方法,在不同的时代条件下,运用马克思主义的具体方法和侧重点也应该有所不同。

    The research on modern philosophy used the way of class analysis in the past . The application of Marxist idiographic way and emphases should differ in the different times .

  11. 列宁继承和发展了马克思世界历史视域,他最大特点和理论贡献就是用阶级分析的方法看待国际关系的变化。在马克思的时代,阶级划分在民族国家内部人与人之间进行;

    Lenin carried on and developed Marx 's viewpoints on world history , and the characters and contributions of his were noted for the method of class analysis applied on international relations .

  12. 更为重要的是他用马克思主义阶级分析的方法提出了第四阶级的妇女解放,这就推动了资产阶级妇女解放运动向无产阶级妇女解放运动的发展。

    More important is that he advanced the liberation of fourth class women by using the class analysis of Marxism . This promoted the movement of Capitalist Women 's Liberation to progress to the movement of Proletariat Women 's Liberation .

  13. 本文以唯物史观为指导,在广泛收集和充分挖掘相关史料的基础上,采用历史的观点和阶级分析的方法,力图对这一问题进行系统的论述和深入的探讨。

    This thesis takes the historical materialism as the instruction , based on the widespread data collection , the usage of historical viewpoint and the class analysis method , trying hard to carry on this question into the elaborate and thorough discussion .

  14. 对于担负指导工作的人来说,有计划地抓住几个城市、几个乡村,用马克思主义的基本观点,即阶级分析的方法,作几次周密的调查,乃是了解情况的最基本的方法。

    For those charged with directing work , the basic method for knowing conditions is to concentrate on a few cities and villages according to a plan , use the fundamental viewpoint of marxism , i.e.the method of class analysis , and make a number of thorough investigations .

  15. 和谐社会的阶级阶层问题分析方法创新研究

    Study on Analytical Method Innovation Of Class and Stratum Issues in Harmonious Society

  16. 思想方法包括:阶级和阶层分析的方法,矛盾分析的方法,实践第一和理论与实践相结合的方法;

    His methods of thinking contain methods for analysis of social classes and groups , and contradictions , practice first and combination of theory and practice ;

  17. 无产阶级的阶级实践是意识形态批判走向现实的基本途径的观点,是阶级分析方法运用于意识形态批判的必然结论。

    That proletariat 's activity is the basic way for ideological criticism to be realistic is the sure conclusion from applying the class analysis to ideological criticism .

  18. 以往对太平天国兴亡问题的研究主要是从阶级根源、经济根源、思想根源、民族根源乃至灾荒、人口和气候等方面去进行反思和总结,主要遵循自上而下和阶级分析的方法。

    Scholars who work with the issue of the Taiping Heavenly Kingdom pay more attention to origins of class , ideology and nation , mainly following the method from the top to the bottom , using the approach of calss analysis .