
  • 网络stage model;phase model
  1. 复合材料疲劳损伤演化的两阶段模型

    A General Two Stage Model for Accumulation of Fatigue Damage in Composite Materials

  2. 基于突发事件分期管理的公用移动通信网应急阶段模型研究

    A Stage Model for Public Mobile Communication Emergency Response Based on Sudden Events Stage Management

  3. 本文设计了CPE-IHO(countablepartialequilibrium&input-holding-OutputModel)模型(又称为可计算局部均衡-投入占用产出两阶段模型)。

    The paper presents a countable partial equilibrium-input-holding-output model ( CPE-IHO Model ) .

  4. 模型分为两部分,LNG重气扩散阶段模型和被动扩散阶段模型。

    The model is divided into two parts which are LNG heavy gas diffusion and passive process .

  5. 并提出了他们弱相互作用的三阶段模型:(1)表面活性剂分子和HA分子通过分子间氢键作用力相结合;

    Three stages model of their weak interaction was put forward : ( 1 ) HA molecules and surfactant molecules combined through hydrogen-bonding ;

  6. 使用生产法、中介法,选择人工费用、固定资产净值和存款作为DEA三阶段模型的投入变量,选择净贷款和非利息净收入作为DEA三阶段模型的产出变量。

    Using production approach and intermediation approach , we employ personnel expenses , net fixed assets , deposits as the input ; and utilize net loans , non-interest revenue as the output .

  7. 提出了轧制复合工艺中TLP连接过程的四阶段模型,认为中间层熔化阶段是该工艺的技术核心。

    In the experiment , the model of TLP joining was provided and technical core of this process is the melting step inside intermediate materials .

  8. 但传统DEA模型忽略了环境因素和随机误差,易使测度结果出现一定的偏差;而DEA三阶段模型能够剔除环境因素和随机误差的影响,适逢其会地应用于本文中。

    The traditional DEA model ignores the environmental effects and statistical noises , therefore causing a certain deviation . However , the three-stage DEA model solves this problem and thus will be employed in this paper . 3 .

  9. 通过一个产品生命周期管理(PLM)软件的配置管理子系统的开发介绍,总结和分析了动态属性配置技术应用的工作要领及其各阶段模型体系的具体表现形式。

    Conclude and analyze the main mechanism of Dynamic Attribute Configuration Technique and the modeling system in each phase via the design of a Product Lifecycle Management ( PLM ) configuration management subsystem .

  10. 构建基于C2C电子商务的在线争端解决(ODR)机制,并分析ODR服务的运作流程和加入ODR机制后的电子商务交易的多阶段模型,同时提出相关问题。

    Based on C2C E-commerce , it constructed the online dispute resolution ( ODR ) mechanism , and analyzed the process of the operation of ODR services and the multi-stage model of e-commerce transactions after joining the ODR mechanism , and raised the related questions .

  11. 通过比较分析得到的最终结果表明:Logistic-RBF混合2阶段模型从模型的预测准确度、模型的稳健性以及拓扑结构角度上综合考虑是最优的。

    Through the comparative analysis , the final conclusion is as follow : the Logistic-RBF 2 stage mixed model is the optimal model in terms of the forecasting accuracy 、 the stabilization and the topology structure .

  12. 分析金属装甲弹道极限的两阶段模型

    A two-stage model for analysis of ballistic limit of metallic targets

  13. 氯离子环境下钢筋腐蚀速度分阶段模型

    Phase-model of corrosion rate of steel bar under Chloride Environment

  14. ·设计了一种由禁忌搜索算法和模糊模拟以及神经网络混合而成的智能算法,用来求解模糊两阶段模型

    A kind of hybrid algorithm is designed to solve the above-mentioned model

  15. 非自治两种群捕食食饵分阶段模型的全局持久性

    Permanence of the Non-Autonomous two-species predator-prey model with stage structure

  16. 基于两阶段模型的海运集装箱空箱调运问题研究

    A Study on the Marine Empty Containers Reposition Based on Two-Stage Model

  17. 利用二阶段模型确定使可靠度在给定的时刻最大时的维修间隔

    Inspection interval for maximum reliability in given time point using the 2-phase model

  18. 供应链设计和评估的两阶段模型

    A Two-Stage Model for Supply Chain Design and Evaluation

  19. 综合实验1和实验2,本研究的结果更倾向于支持独立两阶段模型。

    The results of the experiments were consistent with the discrete stage theory .

  20. 诺兰阶段模型对我国高校信息化建设的启示

    The Enlightenment of Norland Stage Pattern to the Informationalization in Our Colleges and Universities

  21. 本文采用双阶段模型描述多孔颗粒与气体的传递反应。

    The dual-stage model was proposed to describe the transfer reaction process in porous particles .

  22. 两阶段模型用于当近期现金流以一个非常规或非持续的比率增长时。

    Two-stage models are used when near-term cash flows grow at irregular or unsustainable rates .

  23. 一个企业组织租金分配的二阶段模型&关于资本雇佣劳动的讨论

    A Two-Stage Model Distributing Organizational Rents of Enterprises & the Discussion About Why Capital Employs Labors

  24. 基于诺兰阶段模型的高校管理信息系统建设策略探讨

    On the Building Strategy of Management Information System of University Based on Nolan 's Stages-of-growth Model

  25. 显然信托属于经济学的委托代理关系范畴,委托代理理论中的多阶段模型与多任务模型是信托关系的合理刻画。

    The multi-stage model and the multi-duty model of the principal-agent theory depict the trust relationships reasonably .

  26. 并得到了与外生运输成本的二阶段模型不同的子博弈精炼纳什均衡结果。

    The subgame perfect Nash equilibrium is different with that in two-stage game with exogenous transportation costs .

  27. 这部分包括基于学习型组织理论的大学组织变革的一般原则和三阶段模型。

    In this part it contains general principle of organizational change of theory 3 stage models of the organizational change .

  28. 建立了拖延行为模型,将车辆减速-停车等待-加速过程转化为温和减速-低匀速-温和加速的3阶段模型。

    The dragging behavior model was presented in which the deceleration-wait-acceleration process was transformed into mild deceleration-slow driving-mild acceleration process .

  29. 亚硝胺暴露剂量、时间与肺癌效应关系和致癌多阶段模型的探讨

    Relationship between Dose and Duration of Exposure to Nitrosoamine and Risk of Lung Cancer and Its Multistage Theory of Carcinogenesis

  30. 同时按照替代法,在一定条件下,线性混合效应模型与两阶段模型可相互转化;

    Upon substitution , the linear mixed-effects model can be always expressed in terms of the two stage model and vice-versa .