
  • 网络Female sexual dysfunction;fsd
  1. 根据FSFI对女性性功能障碍的判断点,本调查中患者性功能障碍发生的比例达78%。

    According to female sexual dysfunction point tested by FSFI , the rate of patients with incidence of sexual dysfunction in the investigation reached up to78 % .

  2. 女性性功能障碍诊断和治疗的新领域

    New Progress on Diagnosis and Treatment of Female Sexual Dysfunction

  3. 慢性肾功能不全女性性功能障碍研究

    Sexual Dysfunction in Female Patients with Chronic Renal Insufficiency

  4. 女性性功能障碍及其研究进展

    Progress in study on female sexual dysfunction

  5. 妇科手术后担心女性性功能障碍者,男性,占84.91%,女性,占90.57%,经χ2检验,夫妇间无差异(P>0.05)。

    84.91 % male and 90.57 % female worried about female sexual disorder which showed no difference ( P > 0.05 ) .

  6. 目的:探索在我国应用行为疗法治疗女性性功能障碍的疗效,并结合国情进行改良,以提高可行性并有利于推广应用。

    Objective : To explore the effects of the behavioral treatment on female sexual dysfunctions for the popularization of improved methods in China .

  7. 在治疗中医生必须坚持病人自愿、知情同意、必要、对病人有益和保密等伦理学原则。男医生治疗女性性功能障碍时宜与病人签订治疗协议。

    During the treatments , doctors must adhere to ethical principles such as patients'voluntary , treatment necessity , keeping the secret and benefiting the patients etc.

  8. 女性性功能障碍与心理社会因素密切相关,心理医生应该成为女性性功能障碍的及时发现者和最佳治疗者。

    The Female Sexual Functional Disorders are closely related to the factors of psychology and society . Psychological doctors should become timely finders and the best medical workers .

  9. 女性性功能障碍是一种年龄相关性性疾病,呈进行性发展,发病率高,严重影响着妇女的生活质量。

    Female sexual dysfunction ( FSD ) is a significant age related , progressive , and highly prevalent problem that affects a substantial number of women on their quality of life .

  10. 目的观察雌性大鼠双侧卵巢摘除后,不同时间阴道血流动力学的变化和性激素变化情况,探讨双侧卵巢摘除大鼠作为女性性唤起功能障碍动物模型的可行性。

    Objective To analyze the vaginal blood flow and sex hormone change of female rats at different time after ovariotomy , and to establish a rat model of female sex arousal dysfunction .

  11. 然而,假如你是个糖尿病女性网,性功能障碍,这个决议就需要更多的斟酌和更细心的计划。

    If you are a woman who has diabetes , however , it is a decision that requires much more thought and careful planning .

  12. 纽约&最新研究提示,脱氢表雄酮(HEA)平明显降低的更年期女性更容易发生性功能障碍。

    NEW YORK - Women who have particularly low levels of the hormone DHEA during menopause may be more likely to have sexual dysfunction , a new study suggests .

  13. 同时,对女性性生理、女性性功能障碍发病机制的深入认识和理解,也为女性性功能障碍的诊断和治疗提供了理论依据。

    The studies on female sexual physiology and pathogenesis of FSD provide some theoretical basis for diagnosis and treatment of the disease .