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  • girl guides;girl scouts
  1. 贺赛苹的成功引起了全国性女童军组织的重视,她后来成为这个组织的CEO。

    Her success caught the attention of the national Girl Scouts organization , and Hesselbein became its CEO .

  2. 我听说女童军之间斗得更厉害

    I know girl scouts who have more fight in them .

  3. 只要点几下滑鼠,女童军委员会办公室就可以统计总数并将电子订单传送到ABC饼乾公司。

    With a few mouse clicks , the council office consolidates the unit totals and transmits the orders electronically to ABC Cookies .

  4. 这些女童军义卖饼干也太多了吧。

    Oh , that 's a lot of Girl Scout Cookies .

  5. 麦琪是女童军,我是海童军。

    Maggie was a Girl Guide and I was a Sea Scout .

  6. 女童军传统的饼乾订购流程依赖大量的纸上作业。

    The Girl Scout 's traditional cookie-ordering process depended on mountains of paperwork .

  7. 我以为她是来推销女童军饼干的

    l thought she was selling Girl Scout cookies .

  8. 沦落到和女童军争斗了,斯莱德

    Fighting girl scouts now , Slade , huh ?

  9. 他要玛奇塔把女童军饼干推销给另一位参加此节目的来宾。

    Markita was asked to sell Girl Scout cookies to another guest on the show .

  10. 女童军于1917年创立,为新加坡其中一个青年组织。

    Girl Guides was established in1917 , and it one of the youth association in Singapore .

  11. 二十出头的时候,法兰西斯•贺赛苹接到一个电话,对方邀请她领导宾夕法尼亚州约翰斯敦市的女童军17团。

    Frances Hesselbein received a call to head girl scout troop 17 in Johnstown , Pa. , in her early twenties .

  12. 一开始,爱国女童军协会考虑了一个使用微软资料库以及发展应用工具的电脑化系统。

    The patriot 's Trail Girl Scout Council first looked into building a computerized system using Microsoft Access database management and application development tools .

  13. 若有人不想买饼干,她就会极力说服他们,宣传女童军是十分高尚的事业。

    When people did not want to buy and cookies , she would try to convince them what a good cause Girl Scouts are .

  14. 老系统需要花二个月的时间来清理那些订单,及确定哪位女童军应接受卖最多饼乾的奖励。

    The old system used to take two months to tally the orders and determine which Scouts should be rewarded for selling the most cookies .

  15. 计划的第一步,是将男、女童军和消防处的公众联络小组成员训练成为消防安全大使。

    To kickoff the scheme , boy scouts , girl guides and members of the department 's Public Liaison Group were trained as Fire Safety Ambassadors .

  16. 在一月销售的颠峰期,每位女童军在个人的订单卡片上注记了自己的销售额,并且在完成后将卡片转给区小队长。

    During the peak sales period in January , each Girl Scout marked her sales on an individual order card and turned the card into the troop leader when she was finished .

  17. 因为当神把门往你脸上摔的时候,也会打开一盒女童军饼干(管它谚语怎么说);在这些哀伤的阴影之中,我也遇到一些美妙的事情。

    Because God never slams a door in your face without opening a box of Girl Scout cookies ( or however the old adage goes ), some wonderful things did happen to me in the shadow of all that sorrow .