
  • 网络woman;Woman Woman;Dangerous
  1. 不不,女人女人,没有哭。

    No-no , woman-woman , no cry .

  2. 他们喜欢女人、女人也喜欢他们一切浑然天成

    They like women , women like them . Everything flows naturally .

  3. 女人有女人的苦衷,男人也有男人的难言之隐。

    Women have their worriesand troubles , so domen .

  4. 带来一个女人任何女人都行

    to bring him a woman , any woman .

  5. 女人:女人有时会认错。

    Women will sometimes admit making a mistake .

  6. 还记得昔日那美好的时光吗?那时,男人还是男人,女人还是女人。

    Remember the good old days when men were men and women were women ?

  7. 现实中,女人对女人可能的确会很残忍,有些女人还会蓄意破坏其他女人的成功。

    Women can be cruel to each other Women can deliberately sabotage each other 's success .

  8. 因为秘密使女人更有女人味。

    A secret makes a woman-woman .

  9. 女人跟女人什么话都说!

    Women tell each other everything .

  10. 说白了,就是要求女人还原女人和男人的不一样。

    In plain language , they want women to go back to being different from men .

  11. 女人就是女人。

    Women need to be women .

  12. 男人经常唔理解女人,女人经常误解男人。

    《 9 》 A man doesn 't understand a woman , often woman often misunderstood man .

  13. 女人对女人的怨恨,并不仅仅针对那些获得成功的同类——起码并非仅仅是传统意义上的那种成功。

    This resentment does not just arise over success - or at least , not traditional definitions of success .

  14. 女人对女人的怨恨,并不仅仅针对那些获得成功的同类&起码并非仅仅是传统意义上的那种成功。

    This resentment does not just arise over success – or at least , not traditional definitions of success .

  15. 我知道上帝不是女人&女人不会创造出这么多不完美的男人。

    I know God is not a woman & no woman would have created men with so many imperfections .

  16. 轻点一下开关,能使男人的声音听起来像女人,女人的声音像男人。

    Flick a switch and it makes a man sound like a woman and a woman sound like a man .

  17. 女人:女人会根据需要列出购物单,去超市里买这些东西。

    A woman makes a list of things she needs and then goes to the store and buys these things .

  18. 文明已经把我们同自然隔离开来,幸亏我们还有女人,女人是我们与自然之间的最后纽带。

    Civilization have made us separate naturally , thanks to females , they are like a bridge between we and nature .

  19. 于是,研究者不可避免地把原因归咎于老掉牙的“嫉妒”理论,女人嫉妒女人,所以美女在简历中附照片后会遭遇歧视。

    The researchers ' unavoidable - and unpalatable - conclusion is that old-fashioned jealousy led the women to discriminate against pretty candidates 。

  20. 因为我们作为非洲人而言是有文化的人,而对我们来说,男人娶男人,女人嫁女人是没有教养的行为。”

    Because we are a cultured people as Africans and to us , man marrying man , woman marrying woman-it 's uncultured . "

  21. 但是,根据多年的研究,剑桥大学心理学家泰莉阿普特表示,现在很清楚,这主要是女人对女人的战争。

    But based on years of research , Cambridge University psychologist Terri Apter says it 's now clear that this is primarily a woman-to-woman problem .

  22. 根据研究发现,男人更爱笑得理智的女人,女人则更喜欢能逗笑她们的男人。

    According to research , men prefer women who laugh at their wit , while women tend to prefer a man who can make them laugh .

  23. 若缺此一了悟,将极难把那让男人老是轻视女人而女人总将男人视为妖魔的自我延续捆绑,从社会的每个阶层解开。

    Without it , to free every level of society from the self-perpetuating bondage that ties men into despising women and women into demonizing men will be extremely difficult .

  24. 女人:女人可以在在朋友家住了两周之后,一回到家就给同一个朋友打电话,一打就是仨小时。

    A woman can visit her girlfriend for two weeks , and upon returning home , she will call the same friend and they will talk for three hours .

  25. 镜子中像塞壬一样的妖娆女人是女人为了提醒他们,女人令人无法抗拒的美丽与力量来自于她们的声音,她们的语言以及她们的美貌。

    The sirens are also found on mirror stands for women to remind them that their beauty and powers of irresistibility are of voice and words as well as appearance .

  26. 说白了,就是要求女人还原女人和男人的不一样。其原因,是你们的和谈要求来得稍为迟了些。

    In plain language , they want women to go back to being different from men . The reason for the delay is that your request for peace negotiations came a little late .

  27. 我的回答很简单:归根到底,女人就是女人,不管是不是穆斯林,我们都想要穿得舒服、看上去美丽和体验做女人的感觉,她说。

    My answer is simple : At the end of the day women are women , whether Muslim or not , and we all want to be comfortable , look beautiful and feel feminine , she said .

  28. 拜登:“我绝对不反对男人与男人结婚,女人与女人结婚,同性恋男人和女人彼此结婚后,可以享有同样的权力,所有的民权,所有的公民自由。”

    He was on NBC 's " Meet the Press " program . JOE BIDEN : " I am absolutely comfortable with the fact that men marrying men , women marrying women , and heterosexual men and women marrying one another are entitled to the same exact rights , all the civil rights , all the civil liberties . "

  29. 我记得我遇见不少身材壮硕、腰板挺得笔直的女人。这些女人生着大鼻子,目光炯炯。

    I have a recollection of large , unbending women with great noses and rapacious eyes .

  30. Rodgers说,但这不能解释当男人骗女人时,女人为什么也会骗男人。

    But that doesn 't explain why women cheat too , or whom the men are cheating with , Rodgers said .