
  • 网络murderess;lady killer
  1. 女杀手的双手在洗干净后看起来仍然像是沾满了鲜血。

    The murderess 's hands seemed to be reeking with blood after they had been washed clean .

  2. 那个女杀手把手上的血迹洗掉很久后,仍觉得手上血迹斑斑。像他这样的美女杀手都追你,就不要太清高了。

    The murderess felt that her hands were stained with blood long after the marks had been removed . When such a lady-killer is after you , do not play too much hardball .

  3. 女杀手:好的,我们现在就杀了他。

    Woman killer : yes . we 'll kill him now .

  4. 你永远无法成为一个女杀手。

    You 're never gonna be a hit girl .

  5. 20岁之前,她已成为世界顶尖的女杀手之一。

    By20 , she was one of the top female assassins in the world .

  6. 女杀手:是的。他在花园,在房子附近。

    Woman killer : yes . he 's in the garden , near the house .

  7. 女连环杀手在任何国家都很罕见。

    Female serial killers are rare in any country .

  8. 该书围绕联邦调查局的一名探员对诺拉·辛克莱这个女连环杀手紧追不舍的故事展开。

    The story revolves around an FBI agent 's obsessive pursuit of a female serial killer , Nora Sinclair .

  9. 舞蹈,几乎是所有韩国女主播的杀手锏。更多时候,即便不跳舞,韩国女主播的直播间依然聚集着大批观众。

    Dancing is a trump card for many South Korean hostesses , but sometimes audiences still pile in even when they don 't dance .