
  1. 他这次要乘的船,可不再是女王号,而是一艘26000吨的英国军用运输舰苏格兰女皇号。

    His ship was not a Queen this time , but the 26000 ton troop transporter Empress of Scotland .

  2. 风险是很大的,3月14日,一艘类似的运输舰,加拿大女皇号,被发现并击沉了。

    The danger was real enough : on 14 March the similar Empress of Canada had been sighted and sunk .

  3. 在延误了一周后,苏格兰女皇号在3月23日晚上离开纽约港。

    After a week 's delay , the Empress of Scotland left New York harbour on the night of 23 March .

  4. 3月31日寒冷的黎明,一艘英国护航舰正在等待苏格兰女皇号。

    In the cold dawn of 31 March , a British escort was waiting for the Empress of Scotland in the Western Approaches .

  5. 不过,他一年前在苏格兰女皇号上构思的系统是很简单的,那是一个数学家抱着试试看的心态而做的设计。

    Yet the system he had conceived on board the Empress of Scotland a year earlier was essentially very simple . It was a mathematician 's design , and one which had depended upon Alan asking ' But why not ? '