
  1. 你签合同在先,之后就是女人的选择了。

    It 's a contract you sign first , and then it 's the woman 's choice .

  2. 我们是女人,我们的选择从来就不易。

    We 're women . Our choices are never easy .

  3. 这个冬季,不管是在哪种聚会场合,身穿印花图案&尤其是那种鲜艳大胆的红色印花,都是看来很有女人味的最佳选择。

    Floral patterns , particularly in bold , bright reds are a great option for looking feminine at any gathering this winter .

  4. 在处在排卵期的女性中,那些看了穿着最诱惑的照片的人,比起那些看了不具魅力或居住千里之外女人照片的人,选择了更能增加她们吸引力的服饰。

    Of the women who were ovulating , those that were shown the most alluring photographs chose outfits that did more to enhance their appearance than those who were shown pictures of unattractive women or women who lived more than 1000 miles away .