
  1. 他开了辆敞篷车,载我和我的朋友辛西娅去看电影。

    He took me and my friend Cynthia to the movies in an open-topped car

  2. 昨天晚上我和我的朋友看电影去了。

    I was at the cinema with my friend yesterday evening .

  3. 我和我的朋友杰里米和泽维尔在泰顿滑雪,他们都是经验丰富的滑雪运动员。

    I was skiing in the Tetons with my friends Jeremy and Xavier , both experienced snowboarders .

  4. 我和我的朋友们经常去博物馆学习我们从课本上学不到的东西。

    My friends and I go to museums from time to time to learn what we can 't get from textbooks .

  5. 大学时,有一年,我和我的朋友们想对我们的老师杰森开个大玩笑。

    One year at college my friends and I wanted to play a really big trick on our teacher , Jason .

  6. 我和我的朋友正在忙着修篱笆,这时候,我的管家也来了。

    My friend and I were busy mending fences when my house-keeper arrived .

  7. 我和我的朋友都爱上他Bieber一直在鼓励着我

    My friends and I are in love with him , Bieber 's such an inspiration to me

  8. 我和我的朋友KX去了Noch。

    I went to Noch 's with my friend KX .

  9. 二十多年前,我和我的朋友Marilyn坚信我们不能在年轻的时候就病死。

    Twenty of so years ago , my friend Marilyn and I decided we did not want to die young .

  10. 当我和我的朋友若热(jorge)到达马拉维和莫桑比克之间的边境时,我有理由表现得很乐观。

    As my friend Jorge and I reached the frontier between Malawi and Mozambique , I had reason to be optimistic .

  11. 那是在2000年3月份,我和我的朋友保罗(Paul)正在位于巴拿马-哥伦比亚边界的达连地堑(DariénGap)寻找稀有植物物种。两位哥伦比亚导游刚刚带我们进入一片林间空地。

    It was March 2000 and I was with my friend Paul in the Dari é n Gap on the Panamanian-Colombian border looking for rare plant species . We had just entered a clearing with our two Colombian guides .

  12. 我和我的朋友都从事着不同的行业:有工程师、营销专家、设计师,我们觉得可以做点什么来改变现状,智能锁(SmartLock)应运而生,用来防止自行车失窃,也能在失窃后追踪失物。

    We decided that as a group with different skills : engineers , marketing professionals , designers , we thought we could do something about this , so we conceived a Smart Lock . We wanted to stop our bikes getting stolen and to also track them if they did .

  13. 我和我的朋友詹妮在伦敦度假。

    I 'm on holiday in London with my friend Jenny .

  14. 昨天下午,我和我的朋友们在购物。

    Yesterday afternoon , I was doing shopping with my friends .

  15. 我和我的朋友要白住一晚。

    My friend and I will be staying indefinitely without paying .

  16. 就这样我和我的朋友们创建了“电话英语角”。

    So my friends and I created the telephone English corner .

  17. 你想加入我和我的朋友们去蹦极吗?

    You wanna come bungee jumping with me and my friends ?

  18. 今天下午,我和我的朋友一起谈论了作业。

    I talked with my friends about our homework this afternoon .

  19. 今天,我和我的朋友刘一起去公园玩。

    Today , I went to park with my friend Liu .

  20. 也许对我和我的朋友更容易些。

    Maybe it is easier for me and my friends .

  21. 我和我的朋友每天吃许多草。

    My friends and I eat a lot of grass every day .

  22. 我和我的朋友们在想我们的计划。

    My friends and I are thinking about our plans .

  23. 我和我的朋友一起观看的,真是令人激动不已呀!

    I watched it with my friends and it was so exciting .

  24. 我和我的朋友对音乐有着共同的爱好。

    My friend and I have mutual enthusiasm for music .

  25. 早晨,我和我的朋友玩游戏。

    This morning , my friend and I played games .

  26. 星期天:我和我的朋友安卓一起玩。

    Sunday : I play with Andre , my friend .

  27. 是的,我和我的朋友刚用过早餐。

    Yes , my friend and I just had breakfast .

  28. 我和我的朋友珍尼一块来的中国。

    I came to China with my friend , jenny .

  29. 下课后,我和我的朋友去打篮球。

    After class , I go to play basketball with my friends .

  30. 我和我的朋友一道每周去健身房两次。

    I go to a gym twice a week with my friends .