
  1. 出什么事了,我最亲爱的?你看起来很疲惫。

    What 's wrong , my dearest ? You look tired .

  2. 要把全部的爱献给我最亲爱的爸爸。

    All my love to my dearest father in the world .

  3. 我最亲爱的玛加丽达,我收不到你的来信。

    My dearest Margarita , I haven 't received your letter .

  4. 献上最诚挚的祝福,祝我最亲爱的父母新年愉快!

    Best wishes for a wonderful New Year to my dearest parents !

  5. 小儿子:祖国啊,你才是我最亲爱的姥姥!

    Little son : Motherland , you are right my dearest grandmother !

  6. “你千真万确是住在这儿吗,我最亲爱的人儿?”

    " Is this absolutely where you live , my dearest one ?"

  7. 你想吃点什么吗,我最亲爱的?

    Would you like a bite to eat , dearest ?

  8. 问候您,我最亲爱的阁下。

    Greetings to you my dearest in the Lord .

  9. 星期六晚上跟我最亲爱的朋友在一起非常幸福。

    I was so happy Saturday night being with my very dearest friends .

  10. 是的,你是我最亲爱的人!

    " Yes , you are dear to me ," said the prince ;

  11. 我最亲爱的结婚的朋友之一,有固定他的墙。

    One of my dearest married friends has this pinned to his wall .

  12. 上帝,我最亲爱的父亲,我能感觉你总是在我身边。

    God , my dearest Father , I can feel you are always around .

  13. 我最亲爱的伊尼,请原谅我给你带来的所有羞辱。

    Dearest ethne : forgive me for all the shame I 've caused you .

  14. 谨祝我最亲爱的朋友,从今后,爱河永浴!

    Wishing my dearest friend , from henceforth , in love forever the bath !

  15. 写着“送给我最亲爱的女朋友”。

    It says , To my dearest girlfriend ...

  16. 华盛顿特区。我最亲爱的莎拉:

    Washington , D.C. My very dear Sarah ,

  17. 你怎么啦,我最亲爱的父亲!

    What ails you , my dearest father ?

  18. “你这是什么意思,我最亲爱的?”我奇怪地问道。

    ' Whatever do you mean , my dearest ? 'I asked in surprise .

  19. 祝我最亲爱的父母节日愉快!

    Season 's greetings to my dearest parents !

  20. 请微笑,我最亲爱的朋友!

    Please smile , my dearest friend !

  21. 诺亚:我最亲爱的艾丽。

    Young Noah : My Dearest Allie .

  22. 啊!我最亲爱的老婆,你就如此轻易的嫁给我了吗?

    I the most dear wife , you get married easyly like this to me ?

  23. 谢谢你们!我最亲爱的孩子们。

    Thank you ! My dear children .

  24. 再见了,我最亲爱的朋友。

    Adieu , my dearest friend .

  25. 我最亲爱的女神!

    Oh my very goodness gracious !

  26. 毛胡子,你知道你一直是我最亲爱的。

    Beard , you know , you 're very dear to me , always have been .

  27. 我最亲爱的朋友:元旦到了,在这新年里祝愿上帝保佑您!

    My dear friends : New Year 's Day arrived , in the New Year wish God bless you !

  28. 我最亲爱的莎拉:任务十分紧迫,部队将在数天内开拔,也许就在明天。

    My very dear Sarah , Indications are very strong that we shall move in a few days , perhaps tomorrow .

  29. 是的,我最亲爱的维吉尼亚,我就站在第一次遇见你的的十字街头。

    Yes , my very dear Virginia , I was at a crossways just about the time I first met you .

  30. 我最亲爱的麦格,我再也不能隐瞒对你的爱,在我回来之前我一定要得到你的答覆。

    My dearest Meg , I can no longer hide my love for you , and must know your answer before I return .