
  1. 她告诉我父亲曾经来过,还和她谈了好久。

    She told me that Dad had been there and that they had talked for a long time .

  2. 我的女儿曾经来过中国两次来学习这里的的经济,她很喜欢中国这个国家。

    My daughter who studies economics visited China with her students two times and likes your country very much .

  3. 我还曾经来这里应徵过两次。

    I even believe I applied for a job here twice .

  4. 我意识到我以前曾经来过这里。

    I am aware of ever having visited here before .

  5. 我快乐,因为我遗忘该遗忘的事,既然,来到这个世界上,我就应该留下点什么,至少证明我曾经来过只个世界。

    I am happy , because I forget the thing that should forget , since , come in this world , I should leave something , prove at least I had once only been to a world .