
  1. 我期待着看你演出。

    I 'm looking forward to seeing you perform .

  2. 我期待着有一个令人愉快的聚会。

    I was looking forward to a jolly party

  3. 这个赛季我期待我们能够保住冠军头衔,赢得欧洲杯。

    This season I expect us to retain the championship and win the European Cup .

  4. 我期待他4点钟到达。

    I anticipate his arrival at four o'clock .

  5. 我期待着研究人员扩展我们对这个问题的理解,让我们能够将其转化为有效的教育和政策,”他说。

    " I look forward to seeing researchers expand our understanding of the issue so we can translate it into effective education and policy , " he says .

  6. 我期待着高中的新生活。

    I am looking forward to the new life of senior high school .

  7. A:但愿不会。我期待乘地铁去学校!

    A : Hope not . I 'm looking forward to taking the subway to school !

  8. 中国在发展。我期待中国的经济会继续增长。

    China is growing . I expect that the economy will further grow .

  9. 我期待下周在里斯本的会议上与你见面。

    I look forward to meeting you next week at the conference in Lisbon .

  10. 我期待自己变老。

    I look forward to growing older .

  11. MR:我期待尽快处理程序问题,接着开始构造有意义的技术问题列表,它们是技术委员会成员由输入规范已经意识到的问题。

    MR : I am looking to quickly deal with procedural issues and then start constructing the list of meaningful technical issues that the TC members are already aware of with the input specifications .

  12. 彼得森婉拒了《财富》杂志(Fortune)的采访,但一份新闻稿援引他的话说:“我期待着率领标普团队,以标普的优势为基础,继续在全球各地拓展标普的事业。”

    Peterson , who declined to speak with fortune , was quoted in a press release as saying : " I look forward to leading the S & P team and continuing to expand the company around the world by building on its many strengths . "

  13. 我期待着某一天能看到你的作品出版。

    I look forward to seeing your work published some day .

  14. 我期待在‘选举之夜’与你同在。

    I look forward to having you there on Election Night .

  15. 我期待着听到这一结果,但是

    I look forward to hearing the outcome of this , but

  16. 我期待她会尽快恢复完全。

    And I expect that she will make a full recovery .

  17. 我期待这个概念能够变为现实。

    I 'd love to see this concept come to fruition .

  18. 我期待你能别老缠着我。

    I 'm looking forward to you getting off my back .

  19. 我期待你的眼睛,看看你是谁。

    I look into your eyes and see who you are .

  20. 在新的一年里让我期待的影片!

    Most attraction movies of next year in my life !

  21. 我期待本周末能放松一下。

    I 'm looking forward to relaxing this coming weekend .

  22. 我期待在法庭上能证明我的清白。

    I look forward to proving my innocence at trial .

  23. 莱司特:我期待认识她。

    Lester : I 'm looking forward to meeting her .

  24. 我期待广告人的绿色灿烂

    I 'm Looking Forward to the Grassy Resplendence of Admen

  25. 我期待下不好玩桶。

    I 'm looking down the barrel of no fun .

  26. 我期待不久可以分一半给你。

    I expect to deliver the same to you shortly .

  27. 我期待不久能见到你和你的家人。

    I hope to see you and your family soon .

  28. 我期待我最后一次的干细胞治疗。

    I am looking forward to getting my final stem cell treatment .

  29. 我期待着能在星期天回来。

    I expect ( that ) I shall be back on Sunday .

  30. 我期待与他们的大师进行对话。

    I look forward to the discussions with their masters .