
  1. 我喜欢有点疯狂的颜色,可能是我这个人本身就有点疯狂吧。

    I love crazy colors , maybe because I 'm kinda of crazy in person .

  2. 我绝对喜欢这个疯狂的邪恶科学家实验室相机包,我为橙色的弱点

    I absolutely love this camera case from Evil Mad Scientist Laboratories , with my weakness for the color orange

  3. 自一位在自己一根头发上刻下元素周期表的化学家之后,米罗诺夫是我最喜欢的疯狂科学家。

    Mironov may be my favorite mad scientist since the chemist who had the periodic table engraved on one of his hairs .

  4. 我必须承认,我喜欢KG疯狂的样子,可今晚我却感到有点难以下咽。

    I have to admit , I love it when KG goes bonkers , but tonight I found it a little tough to swallow .

  5. 我只保留他的,他写的最好的,我喜欢那些故事。疯狂求婚、订婚。

    He writes the best ones . I just - I love the stories - The crazy proposals . the engagements .