
nà me
  • so;all that;like that;in that way;yay;that;then
那么 [nà me]
  • (1) [that]

  • (2) 用来形容事物性质、程度

  • 你别那么生气

  • (3) 泛指行为和动作。常和这么配合使用

  • 不准这么,不准那么,谁要犯了,就得受处罚

  • (1) [then] 表示顺着上文的意思,引出应有的结果

  • 他既然不来了,那么我也回去了

  • (2) 也作那末

那么[nà me]
  1. 你怎么听任他那么骂你呢?

    Why did you let him swear at you like that ?

  2. 你应当明白事理,不该那么不懂规矩。

    You should know better than to behave like that .

  3. 我气我自己那么轻易就让步了。

    I was annoyed with myself for giving in so easily .

  4. 那么些食物都浪费了,真是太不像话了。

    It 's a crying shame to waste all that food .

  5. 他远不是他们以为的那么傻。

    He is not half such a fool as they think .

  6. 你绝不可能从那么远的地方把球投进去。

    You 'll never get the ball in from that distance .

  7. 他学东西不像他哥哥那么快。

    He was not so quick a learner as his brother .

  8. 她悲伤地说:“那么,这就是告别了。”

    ' So this is goodbye , ' she said ruefully .

  9. 她中学毕业后就不再那么依赖母亲了。

    When she left school she grew away from her mother .

  10. 问题不像我预料的那么大。

    It is less of a problem than I 'd expected .

  11. 他们对公司的远景不那么乐观。

    They are less sanguine about the company 's long-term prospects .

  12. 我相信他只是为了泄愤才那么说的。

    I 'm sure he only said it out of spite .

  13. 我不习惯午饭吃那么多。

    I 'm not used to eating so much at lunchtime .

  14. “那么我要是说不呢?”她试探说。

    ' And if I say no ? ' she ventured .

  15. 沙发的颜色再浅一点就不那么扎眼了。

    The sofa would be less obtrusive in a paler colour .

  16. 现在什么东西都那么贵,是不是?

    Everything 's so dear now , isn 't it ?

  17. 男孩在他父亲来了后便不那么焦躁不安了。

    His father 's arrival lulled the boy 's anxiety .

  18. 我身上没带那么多钱。

    I don 't have that much money on me .

  19. 除了那么多工作,他还有财务困难。

    Quite apart from all the work , he had financial problems .

  20. 五彩缤纷的小花使得黑白图案不那么单调。

    The black and white pattern is relieved by tiny coloured flowers .

  21. 他以为我讨厌他,其实不是那么回事。

    He thinks I dislike him but that just isn 't so .

  22. 路上车辆那么多,我们迟到了一个小时。

    There was so much traffic that we were an hour late .

  23. 吉姆大可不必为这次考试那么拼命。

    Jim didn 't really have to extend himself in the exam .

  24. 我一生中最大的错误就是那么年轻就离开了学校。

    Leaving school so young was the biggest mistake of my life .

  25. 别对你弟弟那么刻薄!

    Don 't be so mean to your little brother !

  26. 他们看上去那么像,我总是把他们给搞混了。

    They look so alike , I always get them muddled up .

  27. 他叫得那么大声,整条街的人都能听到。

    He shouted so loudly that the whole neighbourhood could hear him .

  28. 他抓得不那么紧了,她顺势挣脱开来。

    His grip slackened and she pulled away from him .

  29. 她和我打20英镑的赌,说我不会那么做。

    She bet me £ 20 that I wouldn 't do it .

  30. 要是你们都坐好了,那么我就开始。

    If you 're all sitting comfortably , then I 'll begin .