
  • Those years;In Those Years;You Are the Apple of My Eye
  1. 他们叙述了那些年里发生的事。

    They recounted what had happened during those years .

  2. 那些年,他只是为成名而奋斗。

    In those years he just fought for fame .

  3. 那些年是我一生最幸福的时光。

    Those were the best years of my life .

  4. 在南非的那些年是他创作最旺盛的时期。

    The South African years were his most creative period .

  5. 监狱里的那些年是一场噩梦。

    The years in prison were a nightmare .

  6. 他们入狱前的那些年不算在服刑期之内。

    The years before their arrival in prison are not counted as part of their sentence .

  7. 那些年他要养家,日子很难过。

    In those years he had a very hard time making a living for his family .

  8. 在那些年里,我们发现像RPC这样进行WebServices的行为驱动方式,并不是最佳的前进方式。

    During the years , we have figured out that a behavior-driven , RPC-like way of doing Web services is not the best way to go forward .

  9. 在日本奇迹的那些年,这一比率降至50%,然后在70年代、随着劳动力市场的收紧,开始了V型复苏。

    In the miracle years this ratio fell to 50 per cent , then started a V-shaped recovery in 1970 as the labour market tightened .

  10. 盖洛普(Gallup)的一项民调显示,三分之二的美国人支持对那些年收入25万美元以上的富人增税。

    A Gallup poll found that two-thirds of Americans favour raising taxes on those making more than $ 250,000 a year .

  11. 在那些年中,电视绝大部分一直由ABC、NBC、CBS这些广播电视公司控制着,这些广播电视公司一直是新闻、信息和娱乐的主要提供者。

    During those years , it has been controlled , for the most part , by the broadcast networks , ABC , NBC , and CBS , who have been the major purveyors of news , information , and entertainment .

  12. 但即使在他没有得到联盟认可的那些年里,詹姆斯仍然是那些拥有MVP投票权的记者们眼中最大的宠儿之一。

    But even in the years that he did not get the recognition from the league , James has been one of the largest recipients of votes from the sportswriters who decide on the mvp award .

  13. 大家都知道那些年他在做什么。

    Everybody knew what he had been doing all those years .

  14. 在本科学习的那些年,我曾经去伦敦学习过。后来我还去比利时的滑铁卢工作过。

    During my undergraduate years , I studied overseas in London .

  15. 发生在那些年的一切叫做无法控制的通货膨胀。

    What took place in those years is called runaway inflation .

  16. 人们在他们工作最繁忙的那些年最易患病。

    People are getting sick in their most economically productive years .

  17. 上学那些年,我们每日有固定的程式。

    During the school year , we had a daily routine .

  18. 那些年里,丝厂一个接一个地关闭了。

    During those years silk factories closed down one after another .

  19. 那些年他在一所中学教英语。

    He taught English in a middle school those years .

  20. 那些年,他们被迫出去讨饭。

    In those years they were forced to beg for a living .

  21. 那些年国际事态不很协调。

    There was not much harmony in international affairs during those years .

  22. 那些年来你对我隐瞒事实。

    And you kept the truth from me for all these years .

  23. 那些年,她的事业一直无进展。

    Her career was in the doldrums during those years .

  24. 他在那些年里表现出的才干受到众人的称赞。

    Her ability as displayed in those years is praised by all .

  25. 那些年看电视、听广播的日子还记得吗?

    Remember the good old days of TV and radio ?

  26. 他在美国的那些年将他完全美国化了。

    The year in the US has completely Americanized him .

  27. 谁也不能想像她那些年所受的巨大痛苦。

    Nobody can imagine what staggering pain she suffered in those years .

  28. 我在小镇上工作的那些年里。

    All those years I worked those cow towns .

  29. 在那些年中,儿童死亡率增长了一倍。

    The child death-rate had doubled in those years .

  30. 通常为那些年长者,兼职学生和需要特殊帮助的人开设。

    They often serve older and part-time students and those needing special help .