
  1. 装饰那些未完成的作品是一种概念般的孵化。

    Decoration of the unfinished project is a kind of conceptual incubation .

  2. 这段时间,你要继续完成那些未完成的项目和任务。

    This is the time to take care of unfinished projects or tasks .

  3. 当你投入到一场社交活动寻找乐趣时,就把那些未完成的任务抛在脑后尽情享受把!我小的时候,我的父母让我学习一种乐器和一项体育运动。

    As in , play a social game for fun , leave obligations behind and have a ball ! When I was a kid , my parents told me to pick an instrument and pick a sport .

  4. 其核心旨在:环境容量总量控制的前提下,以市场为依托,把富余的减排指标自由出售给那些未完成减排义务的主体,形成一种以碳为交易标的的环境保护模式。

    Its core aims : the premise of total control of environmental capacity , market-based , free to sell the surplus emission reduction targets to those who have not completed the main body of the emission reduction obligations , the formation of a carbon-trading subject of environmental protection mode .