
  • 网络Will not separate;Never apart;Michael Wong Never Apart
  1. 确定你们再也不会分离。

    To make sure that you 'll never be apart .

  2. 这种输送方式可以保证混合好的物料不会分离。

    During the transport it is ensured that the mixture does not get separated .

  3. 罪与死是不会分离的坚固锁炼。

    Sin and death are an adamantine chain and link that none can sever .

  4. 我们是一枚硬币的两面,永远都不会分离,可是,永远都不可能在一起。

    We are the two sides of the same coin , never separated , however , can never be together .

  5. 他的妻子儿女非常高兴,因为他们认为他们现在再不会分离了。

    His wife and children were very happy , for they thought that now they would not be parted again .

  6. 所以要根据客户的制作要求做出的产品有一定的任性这样热胀冷缩就不会分离了。

    According to the customer 's production requirements to make the products have a certain willful such heat expansion and cold contraction will not separate .

  7. 用这种方法混合物中单独粉末的可压缩性得以维持,在运送和使用期间结合将不会分离。

    In this way the compressibilities of the separate powders in the blend are maintained and the blend will not segregate during transportation and use .

  8. 为什么相爱的人不能在一起,因为相爱的两个人从来没有分开过,虽然不能在一起共同分享在一起的时光,但两个人的心始终不会分离。

    Why can not love together , as two people in love has never been separated , although not together to share time together , but the two never separated from the heart .

  9. 垂死的人低声说道,假如你能救活我,我们就不会分离了认为大陆曾经分裂并漂离的想法叫大陆漂移假说。

    Murmured the dying man , " that they may not separate us if you save me !" The idea that continents broke and drift apart is known as the hypothesis of continental drift .

  10. 我们以为一切的快乐和欣喜都是应该的,以为山的蓝和水的绿都不足为奇,以为,若是肯真心相爱,就永远不会分离。

    We think that all the happiness and joy are to be that the mountain of blue and green water is not surprising that , if willing to truly love , we will never be separated .

  11. 罪与悲不会长久分离。

    Sin and sorrow cannot long is separate .

  12. 我们会不会永远分离?

    Will we ever grow apart ?

  13. 我们将会永远在一起,将再次约定,永远不会在分离。

    We will be together forever , will be agreed once again , will never be the separation .

  14. 我已经变得合一了,所以从此以后不会再有分离,因为我的思想,我的欲望,我的渴求-那些个人自我的东西-已经被摧毁了。

    I have become united , so that henceforth there will be no separation , because my thoughts , my desires , my longings-those of the individual self-have been destroyed .

  15. 特别是他们发现猫在主人离开时并不会产生分离焦虑症,而它们制造的噪音也更可能是出于无聊和失望的原因。

    In particular , they found cats don 't suffer from separation anxiety and any noise they make when their owner leaves is more likely to be out of boredom or frustration .

  16. 焊接在歧管端部的法兰将永不会破裂或分离。

    The flange , welded to the tube assembly on both sides , will never crack or separate .

  17. 爱情,一个偶然的相遇,一种深植的浪漫,是永远不会被时间分离的感情。

    Love , an accidental meeting , a deep seated romance , an affection that can never be separated by time .

  18. “天与地终将会消失”意味着它们将不会继续以分离的状态而存在。

    " Heaven and earth shall pass away " simply means that they will not continue to exist as separate states .

  19. 双水相体系由于性质温和、操作方便、分离效率高,以及不会导致被分离物质的破坏和失活等优点,被广泛应用于生物大分子物质的分离和纯化。

    The aqueous two-phase system has been applied to the separation of biomolecules because of its gentle character , easy operation and high separating efficiency .

  20. 现代语言不会与之分离,而是对其进行新的理解,使其获得新的语义和修辞面貌。

    Any given language will endow these old stories with new understandings , new semantical and rhetorical uses rather than separating them from the language .

  21. 结果发现体系中纤维的存在不会影响基体相分离过程,但会改变体系的最终形态;

    The presence of fibers in these systems is found not to affect the phase separation process of the matrix , but the final morphology of the system is changed .