
  • No Regret;No Remorse
  1. 我毫不后悔这样做了。

    I have no regret to do like this .

  2. 嫁给你我一点都不后悔。

    I have no regret marrying you .

  3. 她对拒绝那个计划丝毫也不后悔。

    She has no compunctions about rejecting the plan .

  4. 我一点也不后悔离开纽卡斯尔。

    I have no regrets about leaving Newcastle .

  5. 他毫不后悔辞职。

    He has no regrets about quitting .

  6. 我不后悔我迟到,我跟Jane的午后约会太不可思议了。

    I 'm not sorry I 'm late . How incredible was my afternoon with Jade ?

  7. 然而卡特布鲁克斯却对质疑声做出了反击,她在Facebook主页上发布了两条精心编写的消息,称自己对这个决定不后悔。

    However Carter-Brooks hit back at her critics in two elaborate posts on her Facebook page , saying she does not regret the decision .

  8. 你不后悔如此糊涂地乱花钱吗?

    Don 't you repent having wasted your money so foolishly ?

  9. 也许这会是我一生的归依,我不后悔,也不会放弃!

    I don 't regret , nor would I give up .

  10. 我至今仍不后悔我选择这个专业。

    I am never regretful to choose the major by now .

  11. 你真不后悔要看东方不败?

    You 'd really not regret to see Asia the invincible ?

  12. 所以我压根也不后悔当初的决定。

    And that I didn 't regret at all my decision .

  13. 无论如何,告诉自己不后悔。

    In any case , told myself do not regret it .

  14. 为爱付出决不后悔尽管真心有去无回

    Out of love No regrets - Though the return Be never

  15. 他说他不后悔在脸上动刀子。

    He says he has no regrets about his surgeries .

  16. 她对所说的话不后悔。

    She had no remorse about what she had said .

  17. 愿三年后我们都不后悔!

    Wish three we all do not regret after years !

  18. 后悔与不后悔也许以后会明白的。

    Penitence with not penitence perhaps later would understand of .

  19. 我没有做错事,一点儿不后悔。

    I have acted quite rightly ; I don 't regret anything .

  20. 到今天我也不后悔说了那番话。

    To this day I do not regret having made the remark .

  21. 我们不后悔当初那么信任他。

    We didn 't regret putting our trust in him .

  22. 以专业、毫不后悔的方式,向面试官解释当初提前退休的决定。

    Explain your early-retirement decision to interviewers in a professional , unapologetic way .

  23. 爱上你是我这辈子最不后悔的事!

    Is this life I love you most regret !

  24. 为爱付出决不后悔虽然好意总是枉费

    Out of love , No regrets - Though the goodness Be wasted forever

  25. 但他至今仍然不后悔&他绝不收回说过的话。

    He remains unrepentant - he meant every word .

  26. 空气很清新,他一点儿也不后悔。

    The air was fresh and he regretted nothing .

  27. 但是我不后悔,我们是真的爱过。

    But I have no regrets . I really did love Hani then .

  28. 您决不后悔的超值选择!单买、团购同样欢迎。

    You will not regret the choice of value !

  29. 当天晚些时候,她又发了一张照片说:不后悔。

    One day later , she took another photo with the caption No regrets .

  30. 这位强大的前锋对于放弃冰球选择足球一点都不后悔。

    The powerful striker has little to regret after plumping for studs over skates .