
  1. 我不相信你对我的爱是永恒的。

    I don 't believe your love for me is eternal .

  2. 爱是永恒的,手牵着手,生活变得无止境。

    Love is eternal , hand in hand , life becomes everlasting .

  3. 深爱是永恒的,直到死亡将双方分开为止。

    Deep love is forever until death do us part .

  4. 因为,我的爱是永恒。

    Cause as the time turns our love won 't age at all .

  5. 她从来不曾相信爱是永恒的。

    She never really trusted that love would stay .

  6. 爱是永恒的,它持续不断的在运行,它超越了时间。

    Its eternal , it goes on and on , it goes beyond time .

  7. 爱是永恒的,外表有可能转变,但本质永恒不变。

    Love is something eternal ; the aspect may change , but not the essence .

  8. 爱是永恒的,超越经典的,是必不可少的,它带来生活的意义。

    Love is timeless and more than classic , and it is essential to bring meaning to life .

  9. 在柏拉图的《会饮篇》里,爱是永恒的力与美,是真善美的结合。

    Love as in Plato is a sort of collection and combination of truth , fair and beauty .

  10. 母亲的爱是永恒的,她是一颗不落的星。

    I don 't agree with it . Mother 's love is endless , she is the eternal star .

  11. 爱是永恒的标志:它冲淡对开始的记忆和结束的恐惧。

    Love is an emblem of eternity : it effaces the memory of a beginning and the fear of an end .

  12. 蜡烛、香槟,纪念日真好,因为爱是永恒的,什么也比不上爱情可靠。

    Umm , candles , champagne , yeah anniversaries are great . ' Cause you know love lasts forever , y'know .

  13. 爱是永恒的,没有分离,肉体也许不再存在了,但爱会持续并将一直持续下去。

    The LOVE that IS is eternal , there is no separation , the physical may not be present but the LOVE that IS continues and will always continue .

  14. 地球是会转的,人是会变的,爱你是永恒的,娶你是不可能的!

    Earth will turn , people can change , love you is eternal , marrying you is not possible !

  15. 事实、爱和力量是永恒的意义,因为他们是广泛接受的概念。

    Truth , love , and power are permanent because they 're universal concepts .

  16. 爱是人类发展的永恒主题。

    Love is an eternal theme of human social development .

  17. 我知道,他们说我们的爱是不会坚定直到永恒的。

    And I know they 're gonna say that we 'll give up , Because of heavy weather .

  18. 在我的心里,没有轰轰烈烈,平平淡淡的岁月里,爱依然是刻骨铭心的永恒。

    In my mind , there is no speculation , nothing exciting years , love is still the eternal gratitude .

  19. 除了理智的爱以外,没有其他爱是永恒的。

    No love save intellectual love is eternal .