
  • 网络The Space of Love;Ditto
  1. 你的心一定会明白你有容纳爱的空间。

    Your heart must understand that you have space for it all .

  2. 我们放下防卫,将自己交给内在显现的空间,那个开放、有爱的空间。

    We put down our guard and trust in the open and loving space that is emerging within us .

  3. 没有什么可以让我们免受被拒绝的伤害和痛苦,真正的亲密存在于爱的空间里。

    We realise nothing can protect us from the pain of rejection or hurt , yet to be truly intimate is to be in the space of love itself .

  4. 人类是有感情的动物,造物主赋予了人类巨大的爱与被爱的空间。

    Humans are emotional creatures created with a vast capacity to love and to be loved .