
  • 网络Farewell;Adieu;Sayonara
  1. “再会了,神眷之女。我不再需要你了。”

    " Farewell , revered daughter . I need you no longer . "

  2. 再会了,坚持你们的目的。

    Farewell . Hold to your purpose .

  3. “再会了,日后再见。”主席说。

    ' Till we meet again , wherever that is , ' said the chairman .

  4. 好吧,我们另一个世界再会了。

    Well , I 'll see you on the other side .

  5. 再见了,再会了,干燥水果的疯子。

    CHANDLER : See ya . Goodbye you fruit drying psychopath .

  6. 再会了。我那么那么爱你,一点也不遗憾。

    Bye * I love you so much still with no regret .

  7. 再会了,我的漂亮姑娘,我的爱至深。

    And fair thou art , my bonny lass , so deep in love am I.

  8. 再会了,我的爱妻。

    Goodbye , my darling wife .

  9. 再会了,我亲爱的朋友们!

    Goodbye , my dear friend !

  10. 恶梦终于结束了,法术也被破解了!再会了,卡雷克吾爱!

    The nightmare is over , the spell is broken ! Goodbye , Kalec , my love !

  11. 你们的母校会关注10年后的你们。再会了!

    Your Alma Mater will open her eyes to see what you will be in 10 years.Goodbye !

  12. “再会了,机灵的小伙子,”他对乔治说。“你太走运了。”

    " So long , bright boy ," he said to George . " You got a lot of luck . "

  13. 上个星期五,世界卫生组织再会见了Uige的传统社会活动家以后报道了进展。

    This past Friday , the W.H.O.reported progress after meetings with traditional community leaders in the city of Uige .

  14. 我对朋友和心爱的可人们道了再会,走了出去。

    I said goodbye to friends and sweethearts and passed through the gate .

  15. 我亲爱的老姐会让为你封爵一样看待,没人再会鞭打你了。

    My sister will make a lady of you , and no one will ever whip you again .

  16. 再会先生-谢了理查德非常感谢

    Et monsieur . - Thanks , Richard . Appreciate it .