
  • 网络back to you;Back For You;To be by your side
  1. 星期四,赛琳娜·戈麦斯发表了一首新单曲《回到你身边》。

    Selena Gomez released a new single on Thursday titled Back To You .

  2. 若他回到你身边,那他便是你的。

    If it comes back to you , it is yours ;

  3. 你打电话给她,求她回到你身边吗?

    Did you phone her ? Beg her to come back ?

  4. “亲爱的,我就要回到你身边来了。”

    " Beloved , I am coming home to you . "

  5. 当机会被忽略,它不会再回到你身边。

    When an opportunity is neglected it never comes back to you .

  6. 别担心我会想办法回到你身边

    Don 't worry . I 'll find a way back in .

  7. 愿它能给我们带来好运并使我早日回到你身边。

    May it bring us luck and return me to you soon .

  8. 那样的话他会回到你身边的。

    Ln that case he 'll come back to you .

  9. 维多利亚想让我回到你身边

    Victoria 's compelled me to get back into your orbit

  10. 你以为她会回到你身边?

    And you think she 's going to come ruing back to you ?

  11. 我不爱你,不会回到你身边的。

    I don 't love you . I 'm not coming back to you .

  12. 你是否还抱着她再回到你身边的希望?

    Do you have any hope that she will come back to you again ?

  13. 你真的相信他会回到你身边?

    Do you really and truly believe that he 'll come back to you ?

  14. 回到你身边,对我来说是一件很难的事。

    Walking back to you , Is the hardest thing that I can do .

  15. 她因为无法看你受苦,所以回到你身边。

    She 's gone back to you because she can 't bear your suffering .

  16. 爱却与日俱增,今夜我会回到你身边。

    Love rises with the day and tonight I may be by your side .

  17. 我在你还没来得及想我的时候就会回到你身边;

    I have not had time to you when I will return to you ;

  18. 翅膀满载着爱,它带我今夜回到你身边。

    Love comes on a wing and tonight I will be by your side .

  19. 能强迫她回到你身边

    to force her back home with you .

  20. 如果它回到你身边。

    If it comes back to you .

  21. 那时沃尔特也会回到你身边

    And you 'll have Walter back .

  22. 如果你认为他会回到你身边,那你是在自欺欺人。

    You 're just deceiving yourself if you think he 'll come back to you .

  23. 他不会再回到你身边了,你真的该放手了。

    He 's never coming back to you , you really need to move on .

  24. 两个月后,你最好的小伙伴、过世的小狗就又会重新回到你身边。

    Two months later , your dead best friend is back to being a puppy .

  25. 等妈妈回到你身边,我们就可以一起画画啦!

    After mum come back to be with you , we can enjoy drawing together then !

  26. 当九月休假回到你身边,我疲惫而脆弱时。

    when I returned to you on leave in the September , feeling battered , bruised and fragile .

  27. 除了她的劝告以外,还有我的心,让我回到你身边。

    Not only to her words , but also to the leanings of my heart that led me back to you .

  28. 我将会尽力去接受它。但是,在我回到你身边之前,你最好不要来找我。”

    I will try to accept it.But until I come to you , you should not try to come to me . "

  29. 当我坐在厨房时,我在祈祷,你将来会让我回到你身边,这次回来就不再离开。

    As I sit here in the kitchen , I am praying that you will let me come back to you , this time forever .

  30. 如果你爱一个人,那么随缘吧,让她自由的飞,如果最后她还是回到你身边,那就是命中注定。

    If you love someone , let it be and set her free , if she comes back to you , it 's meant to be .