
qián xíng
  • Stealth;sneak;prowl;slink;move stealthily;move under water;walk under water;be absorbed in cultureself;slope
潜行 [qián xíng]
  • (1) [walk under water]∶在水下行走

  • 潜水员在水下潜行

  • (2) [sneak]∶秘密行走

  • 在夜间潜行

  • (3) [be absorbed in cultureself]∶专心修行

潜行[qián xíng]
  1. v.潜行;行为鬼祟他们为了不被人瞧见,鬼鬼祟祟地进入房间。

    sneak Trying not to be seen , they quietly sneaked into the room .

  2. 当一个或者几个游离的氮原子在钻石的碳结构中潜行的时候,这些瑕疵就会产生。

    These flaws occur when a stray nitrogen atom - or a few of them - sneak in among its carbon structure .

  3. 猎人潜行追踪猎物。

    The hunters stalked their prey .

  4. 亵渎:不再消除潜行。

    Desecration : will no longer break stealth .

  5. 在萨里郡通勤居民区ShamleyGreen村,50只猫咪被戴上了GPS追踪器,当这些猫咪在夜间潜行时,这些追踪器可以准备定位它们的位置,误差仅为几厘米。

    In the Surrey commuter-belt village of Shamley Green , 50 pet moggies were fitted with GPS trackers that pinpointed their position to within a few centimetres as they prowled on their nightly rounds .

  6. B组1个节段中央椎管狭窄,21例,行椎板间开窗椎间盘摘除,椎间管潜行扩大术;

    In group B , 21 patients had stenosis of the central vertebral canal of one segment and they underwent excision of the intervertebral disc through the window opened between the vertebral plates and the recessively expanding operation .

  7. C组1个节段退行性脊柱滑脱,18例,行两侧椎板间开窗减压潜行扩大椎管后椎弓根钉系统内固定(AF、RF等)并横突间、小关节间植骨;

    In group C , 18 patients had degenerative spinal derangement of one segment and they underwent decompression through the window opened between the bilateral vertebral plates and the recessively expanding operation , and then underwent the internal fixation and bone grafting .

  8. 目的探讨大面积闭合性皮肤潜行剥脱伤(CIDI)的处理方法。

    Objective To study the management of extensive closed internal degloving injury ( CIDI ) .

  9. 所以你在侦察时都不潜行移动?

    Alistair : So you didn 't sneak around when spying ?

  10. 我们脱下鞋沿通道慢慢潜行。

    Taking off our shoes , we crept along the passage .

  11. 双边对口开窗椎管潜行扩大术治疗退变性腰椎管狭窄症

    Bilateral Symmetrical Fenestration in Surgical Treatment of Degenerated Lumbar Spinal Stenosis

  12. sneak:潜行,偷偷摸摸做elevator:电梯我就想办法把这个弄进电梯里。

    While I try and sneak this into an elevator . -

  13. 应用半椎板切除对侧潜行减压术治疗脊髓型颈椎病

    Cervical spondylotic myelopathy treated by semi-laminectomy and opposite potential decompression

  14. 开窗潜行减压治疗退行性腰椎管狭窄症

    Degenerate lumbar spinal stenosis treated with decompression by undermining fenestration

  15. 双侧开窗潜行扩大治疗老年人腰椎管狭窄症

    Bilateral open-door laminoplasty for lumbar spinal stenosis in the aged

  16. 节段性潜行减压治疗腰椎管狭窄症

    Segmental Undercutting Decompression in the Treatment of Lumbar Spinal Stenosis

  17. 潜行:某些盗贼给予你的英雄潜行的能力。

    Stealth : Some Rogue abilities give your hero stealth .

  18. 地缚图腾不会打破盗贼的潜行。

    Earthbind Totem : This totem will no longer break Rogue stealth .

  19. QAD:潜行巨人的成功之道

    QAD : The Silent Giant 's Way to Success

  20. 盗匪沿著墙角潜行,准备跳出去。

    The robbers were skulking around the corners , ready to jump out .

  21. 宠物不会再追逐已经消失/潜行的玩家了。

    Pets will no longer chase players that Vanish .

  22. 装备:提高你的潜行等级1。

    Equip : Increases your effective stealth level by1 .

  23. 城建贷款:风险集中化在潜行

    Loans for Urban Construction : Centralized Hazard Prowls About

  24. 狼在森林里潜行觅食。

    Wolves prowled the forest in search of prey .

  25. 豹之迅捷-这个天赋不再增加你在潜行状态下的移动速度。

    Feline Swiftness – This talent no longer increases your movement speed while prowled .

  26. v./n.(动物)潜行以觅食,窥伺许多野生动物在夜间觅食。

    prowl Many wild animals prowl at night .

  27. 如果你有装备匕首并且不在战斗状态则潜行。

    Stealth you if you have a dagger equipped and are not in combat .

  28. 当潜行中的英雄攻击时,对立的英雄和部队无法“保护”。

    While a stealthed hero is attacking , opposing heroes and allies can 't protect .

  29. 潜行玩家对同阵营的其他玩家可见.艾弗在紧要关头投到对方阵营里去了。

    Same faction players in stealth are seeable by any other player of that faction .

  30. 优点:开放式的潜入行动游玩模式让你可以隐秘潜行,或着拔腿狂奔并举枪射击;

    The Good : Open-ended stealth action gameplay lets you sneak or run and gun ;