
  • 网络Potential losses;Latent Losses
  1. 公路工程施工企业潜亏的原因及对策

    The reasons and countermeasures of latent losses of road engineering construction enterprise

  2. 通过分析石油企业潜亏的表现及危害,研究其形成的主要原因,提出了防范和消除潜亏的对策,以期利于企业的长期稳定发展。

    The manifestations and harmfulness of latent losses in oil enterprises are analyzed and their major causes are examined . Some countermeasures for preventing and eliminating latent losses are proposed for enterprises ' longtime and steady development .

  3. 国有企业固定资产潜亏分析

    Potential Deficit Analysis on the Fixed Assets of Government Enterprise

  4. 企业潜亏现象的成因及对策

    Reason for enterprise potential profit loss phenomenon and countermeasure

  5. 高校校办企业潜亏的审计

    Auditing of the enterprises ′ potential loss in College

  6. 目前有些企业出于种种目的,人为做假帐搞潜亏,具有很强的欺骗性、迷惑性和误导性。

    It is cheating and fussing for some enterprise to make latent loss of enterprise now .

  7. 国有企业潜亏及其治理对策

    State Enterprise Hidden-loss and Countermeasures

  8. 信用风险在给商业银行带来潜亏的同时,也激励着商业银行为有效管理信用风险而进行着各种积极的变革,从而使商业银行风险管理与时俱进。

    The credit risk not only brings potential loss , but also encourages the commercial bank carrying on the positive reforms .

  9. 因此,分析国有企业潜亏形成的原因,努力探索治理国有企业潜亏的现实对策,将是国有企业焕发生机与活力的重要途径。

    Therefore , we should analysis the reasons of state enterprises ' hidden-loss forming and make great effort to investigate the practical countermeasures .

  10. 要揭示高校校办企业资产及效益的真实性,需对企业的潜亏进行审计。

    To reveal the enterprises ′ genuineness of assets and benefits in college , it needs to audit the enterprises ′ potential capital loss .

  11. 作者认为:国有资产流失的主要形式和成因在于:国有企业中普遍并大量存在的潜在损失和潜亏;

    Abstract The main forms and causes of the State assets draining away are as follows : the latent losses exist in many State firms ;

  12. 属地化后的地勘单位,在企业化经营过程中,潜亏已成为不可忽视的问题。

    Potential deficit is the problem not to be ignored in the geological and prospecting enterprise 's business after transferring them to management by the local government .

  13. 目前国有企业由于法人治理结构不健全,运行不规范,导致国有资产大量流失,相当一部分国有企业存在潜亏现象。

    Because of the unsound and irregular structures run by a legal person , the assets of the government-owned enterprises have lost , and some emerge potential deficit .

  14. 本文针对我国企业经常出现的潜亏现象,分析其产生的原因和表现手段,提出了解决的对策,具有一定的现实意义。

    This text analyses its reason produced and behavior means to the potential loss phenomenon which enterprises of our country often present , put forward the countermeasure solved , have certain realistic meaning .

  15. 指出了企业潜亏现象对企业经营机制转换的阻碍及对经济发展的严重危害,并提出了解决潜亏现象的对策和建议。

    Point out some enterprise potential profit loss phenomenon and influence on transfer the system of enterprise operation and management serious consequence and offered some countermeasures and suggestions for solving potential profit loss phenomenon .