
qián shuǐ tǐng
  • submarine;U-boat;undersea boat
潜水艇 [qián shuǐ tǐng]
  • [submarine] 潜艇的旧称或俗称

潜水艇[qián shuǐ tǐng]
  1. 星期一如何与潜水艇联系呢?这个问题一直在他头脑中盘旋。

    The problem of how to contact the U-boat on Monday had been nagging at the back of his mind .

  2. 在潜水艇还未潜入水底,停靠在船坞里的时候,黑尔和沃尔各自的上司之间发生过一次激烈的争吵。

    There had been a blazing row while the U-boat was in dock between Heer 's superior officer and Wohl 's.

  3. 所有潜水艇基地的雇员必须得到安全部门的审查许可方可录用。

    All employees at the submarine base require security clearance .

  4. 潜水艇没等军舰靠近就及时潜入水下了。

    The submarine had had time to submerge before the warship could approach .

  5. 你能给潜水艇定位吗?

    Can you fix a position on the submarine ?

  6. 潜水艇发出求救的信号。

    The submarine signaled for help .

  7. 举例来说,在这些潜水艇上的常规弹头会在削减战略武器条约(START)和莫斯科条约的限度之下计算。

    For example , the conventional warheads on these submarines would count under the limits in START and the Moscow Treaty .

  8. 1897年由美国造船工程师SimonLake发明的潜水艇。

    Artwork of a submarine patent by American naval engineer Simon Lake in 1897 .

  9. 由于德国U形潜水艇在近海巡逻,美国学生不倾向于出国度春假了。

    With German U-boats patrolling offshore , American students were less inclined to go overseas for spring vacations .

  10. 企业家同艾米·柯西克(AmyChozick)畅谈飞机、太空飞船、潜水艇和第二次机会。

    The entrepreneur talks to Amy Chozick about airplanes , spaceships , submarines and second chances .

  11. 太空潜水艇Q.核潜艇在近地轨道太空中能坚持多久?

    ORBITAL SUBMARINE Q. How long could a nuclear submarine last in orbit ?

  12. 汉克斯甚至还为他2020年的另一部电影《灰猎犬号》写了剧本,在片中他饰演一名二战时期的海军司令员,他的船被德国的U型潜水艇追赶。

    Hanks even wrote one of his 2020 films , Greyhound , in which he plays a World War Two Navy commander whose ship is pursued by German U-boats .

  13. 那一份报纸也指责德国和荷兰“对北京预先采取的行动卑躬屈膝”,因为德国和荷兰已经使得为roc海军建造柴油动力的潜水艇成为不可能的事。

    The newspaper also criticized Germany and the Netherlands for having " preemptively kowtowed to beijing " by ruling out the possibility of building diesel-powered submarines for the ROC navy .

  14. 中国EM52型(也即是特-1)是一种潜水艇放置快速-上浮火箭推进沉底水雷。

    The EM52 ( also known as T-1 ) is a submarine-laid fast-rising rocket-propelled bottom mine .

  15. 它已经被观察潜水艇是“隐蔽的和稳固的”情报、监视和侦察(ISR)平台,有能力徘徊用于长期接近到一个敌人。

    It has been observed that the submarine is a " covert and persistent " Intelligence , Surveillance and Reconnaissance ( ISR ) platform , capable of loitering for long periods close to an enemy .

  16. 他就像潜水艇上的纱窗一样没用。

    He 's dumb as a screen door on a submarine .

  17. 传话下去,我们正在攻击一艘敌人的潜水艇。

    Pass the word that we are attacking an enemy submarine .

  18. 从内部装备看,它们更像潜水艇而不是宇宙飞船。

    Their interiors are kitted out more like submarines than spaceships .

  19. 他为一家制造海军潜水艇零件的公司工作。

    He works for a company that makes Navy submarine parts .

  20. 什么船能吃得消他这艘潜水艇的冲击呢?

    What ship could withstand a collision with his underwater Monitor ?

  21. 这瘦潜水艇很快会浮到水面上。

    The submarine will soon rise to the surface of water .

  22. 湖中有四个潜水艇可供人们乘坐。

    The lake has 4 working submarines that people can ride .

  23. 潜水艇必须侦察出来。而且最好予以摧毁。

    The submarines had to be detected , and hopefully destroyed .

  24. 军用潜水艇设计式样武装来攻击敌人的海运的船。

    A military submarine designed and armed to attack enemy shipping .

  25. 问:你还想过用“维珍海洋”开发潜水艇游?

    You 've also looked into submarine tourism with Virgin Oceanic .

  26. 在黄色潜水艇,天是湛蓝的,水是盛绿的!

    Sky id blue and sea is green in our yellow submarine .

  27. 夺回潜水艇的任务圆满完成了。

    The mission to retake the submarine has been successful .

  28. 一家公司需要一艘潜水艇潜水至深海。

    A company needed a submarine to submerge into the deep sea .

  29. 有些潜水艇能装很多人,并在水下呆好几个星期。

    Some submarines carry many men and stay underwater for several weeks .

  30. 潜水艇及时潜入水中,避开了敌人的攻击。

    The submarine dived iust in time to avoid the enemy attack .