
qián zài
  • potential;latent;lurking
潜在 [qián zài]
  • [latent;potential] 存在于事物内部不容易发现或发觉的

  • 潜在的领导人

潜在[qián zài]
  1. 这些孩子蕴藏着极大的潜在天赋。

    These children have a huge reserve of latent talent .

  2. 欧洲国家仍具有威胁英国自身安全的潜在能力。

    The European states retained a latent capability to menace Britain 's own security .

  3. 价格高是使潜在买主却步的主要因素。

    The high price is a major hindrance to potential buyers .

  4. 我察觉到对新提案有一股潜在的不满情绪。

    I detect an undercurrent of resentment towards the new proposals .

  5. 很多人没有充分利用他们计算机的全部潜在功能。

    Many people don 't use their computers to their full potential .

  6. 失业可能是犯罪率攀升的潜在原因。

    Unemployment may be an underlying cause of the rising crime rate .

  7. 这家公司成千上万地花费在大摆酒宴款待潜在的客户上。

    The firm spent thousands wining and dining potential clients .

  8. 首先,我们需要弄清实际的问题和潜在的问题。

    First we need to identify actual and potential problems .

  9. 铅对儿童的健康具有潜在损害。

    Lead is potentially damaging to children 's health .

  10. 这个城市的犯罪率使得潜在的投资者望而却步。

    The city 's crime rate is a serious turn-off to potential investors .

  11. 通货膨胀的潜在趋势仍然是上升的。

    The underlying trend of inflation is still upwards .

  12. 我们给所有潜在的客户都发了信息包。

    We send all potential clients an infopack .

  13. 很多家用产品有潜在的害处。

    Many household products are potentially harmful .

  14. 这篇报道应该对其他潜在的购买者起到警示作用。

    The story should act as a warning to other prospective buyers

  15. 17家出版社回绝了这部手稿,直到詹克斯看到了它的潜在价值。

    Seventeen publishers rejected the manuscript before Jenks saw its potential .

  16. 该公司已在国内外找到60个潜在客户。

    The firm has identified 60 potential customers at home and abroad

  17. 这一工艺的潜在收益不可估量。

    It is hard to overestimate the potential gains from this process .

  18. 他们关注的是公开的歧视,而不是种族主义的一些潜在问题。

    They focus on overt discrimination rather than insidious aspects of racism .

  19. 很多钱都花在宴请潜在客户上了。

    A lot of money went on wining and dining prospective clients .

  20. 许多西德人都很担忧国家统一的潜在代价。

    Many West Germans are anxious about the potential cost of unification .

  21. 在众多潜在的买家中,曼彻斯特联队将排在最前列。

    Manchester United would be at the front of a queue of potential buyers

  22. 我们已意识到潜在的问题,并采取了全面的预防措施。

    We are aware of the potential problems and have taken every precaution .

  23. 该公司被视为能够承担该飞机制造任务的潜在分包商之一。

    The company was considered as a possible subcontractor to build the aeroplane .

  24. 厨房里充满了潜在的隐患。

    The kitchen is a minefield of potential hazards .

  25. 两国关系中仍然有很多潜在的冲突爆发点。

    There are still plenty of potential flashpoints in relations between the two countries .

  26. 长远来看,这些措施可能只会使潜在问题恶化。

    Over the long term , such measures may only make the underlying situation worse .

  27. 公司和许多潜在的投资人举行了磋商。

    The company talked with many potential investors

  28. 晒伤不仅疼,还有潜在危险。

    Sunburn is painful and potentially dangerous .

  29. 将一切都透露给潜在的竞争对手只会给自己帮倒忙。

    You could do yourself a grave disservice by revealing all to a potential rival .

  30. 尽管这种增长的数量相对较小,但是潜在的市场是巨大的。

    While the numbers of such developments are relatively small , the potential market is large