
jué dìng quán
  • say;power to make decision
决定权[jué dìng quán]
  1. 法官对判决有最后的决定权。

    The judge has the final say on the sentence .

  2. 这里谁有最后决定权?

    Who has the final say around here ?

  3. 我把决定权暂时全交给你。

    For the moment , I leave you to take all decisions .

  4. 这个委员会可能想行使其自行决定权来调查那些指控。

    This committee may want to exercise its discretion to look into those charges

  5. 最后的决定权在于总统。

    The final decision rested with the President .

  6. 委员会无意动用它的决定权来给予特批。

    The committee was not prepared to use its discretion and grant special dispensation .

  7. 白宫掌握着最后决定权。

    The White House has the final say

  8. 地方法官被赋予了更广泛的自由决定权。

    Magistrates were given wider discretionary powers

  9. 仲裁人将拥有最终决定权。

    The arbiter will have the final say .

  10. 地方办事处对这类事没有决定权。

    The local office doesn 't have the say about such matters .

  11. 决定权在他那儿,我不能越权而为之。

    The decision is in the hand of him ; I couldn 't do the things beyond my power .

  12. 虽然我们总是受到周围人的影响,但是否做一件事的决定权在我们自己。

    While we are always influenced by those around us , the decision to act or not is up to us .

  13. 在我们公司经理有最后决定权。

    In our company the manager has the last word .

  14. 父亲有最后的决定权。

    The father had the final say .

  15. havetheirsay有决定权,有发言权人们将有机会在今年晚些时候对这个问题发表意见。turninto进入,(使)变成

    People will have a chance to have their say on this later in the year .

  16. DEFAULT选项将决定权交给IDS服务器。

    DEFAULT option leaves the decision to the IDS server .

  17. 在这件事上我给予lee充分的决定权。

    I 've given Lee full authority on this issue .

  18. 与世界贸易组织(wto)的多数成员一样,欧盟让自己的政策制定者具有太多的任意决定权,而且没有坚持要求充分的透明度。

    Like most members of the World Trade Organisation , the EU allows its policymakers too much discretion and does not insist on enough transparency .

  19. 相反,imf在自身要在多大程度上介入欧洲的烂摊子方面,应当竭力捍卫自己的酌情决定权。

    On the contrary , the IMF should jealously guard its discretion over how deeply it involves itself with the European mess .

  20. 委员会的决议并没有最终决定权,但是FDA一般都会按照他的顾问委员会的建议做出决定。

    The panel 's decision is not binding , but the FDA usually follows the recommendations of its advisory committees .

  21. 担任金融市场行为监管局(FinancialConductAuthority)行政总裁的韦奕礼认为,对于如何及何时抛弃Libor的问题,最终决定权应在市场参与者而非监管机构的手中。

    Mr Wheatley , chief executive of the Financial Conduct Authority , said he believes market participants rather than regulators should make the final decision on how and when to scrap Libor .

  22. 据MrRajan说,这将使战略决定权从官僚手中转交给具有更高政治合法性的人负责。

    According to Mr Rajan , this would take strategic decisions out of the hands of bureaucrats and entrust them to people with greater political legitimacy .

  23. 滚转执行情况由SNC在其自行的决定权基础上决定。

    Rollovers will be executed at rates determined by SNC and at SNC 's absolute discretion .

  24. Greene和Frankel都认为候选者在最终聘用中的决定权比他们自认为的要大。

    According to both Greene and Frankel , candidates have a larger say in the final hiring decision than they think .

  25. 高盛的辩解是,市场上所有人都知道,投资组合代理人将受到多空双方的游说,而ACA拥有最终决定权。

    Goldman 's defence is that everyone in the market knew that portfolio agents would be lobbied both by long and short sides , and that ACA had the final say .

  26. 这项研究由葆至能的生产商默克公司(Merck)赞助,但研究人员有权按照自己的意愿来发布内容,对报告的撰写拥有最后决定权。

    The study was sponsored by Merck , the maker of Vytorin , but the investigators had the right to publish what they wanted , with final say over what they wrote .

  27. 在这场竞争中有决定权的美国人,在公开场合虽未说什么,但私下却似乎愿意拉加德当选。重要的是,他们希望将IMF副手和世界银行的总裁职位都由美国人担任。

    The Americans , kingmakers in this contest , have said little in public but in private seem happy with Ms Lagarde , not least because they hope to keep both the deputy 's job at the fund and the presidency of the World Bank .

  28. 最近的一句是“我想要在LinkedIn把你加入我的职业人脉”。每周,我都和大卫·瑞姆尼克(DavidRemnick)开会,漫画的最终决定权在他手上。

    One recent suggestion was , " I 'd like to add you to my professional network on LinkedIn . " I have a meeting every week with David Remnick , and he makes the final decisions on the cartoons .

  29. 我国人民在选择其领导有最终决定权。

    Our people has the final word in choosing its leadership .

  30. 关于地方人大行使决定权程序的思考

    Ponder over the Procedure of Local People Congress Exercising Decisive Authority