
  • 网络decision chain
  1. 信息集成可以通过由决策链、支撑链和功能主链组成的链群的集成来实现。

    Information integration can be completed by integrating Chain Group which are composed of decision chain , support chain and function main chain .

  2. 本文提出了链群的模型,讨论了决策链、支撑链和功能主链的相互制约与协同的关系。

    The paper presents the model of Chain Group , and discusses the relationship about restriction and cooperation that are produced by decision chain , support chain and function main chain .

  3. PROLOG把所有的问题都归类为决策链。

    PROLOG casts all problems into chains of decisions .

  4. 利用该系统可以使公司领导进行项目、合同、收费的动态管理,有效地提高了公司决策链的反应速度。

    Using it , the company leader may carry on dynamic management of the project , the contract , the charge , and the system enhanced effectively the company decision chain reaction rate .

  5. 认为企业现代生产集成系统的体系结构设计主要建立在由决策链、支撑链和主链为核心组成的一个动态供应链上;

    It is concluded that the system structure design of enterprise modern production integrate system is mainly built on a dynamic supply chain composed of decision chain , support chain , and main chain .

  6. 文章提出上层生产单元、调度级以及下层生产单元由决策链联接在一起,在支撑链的支持下构造各控制层的功能主链的纵向设计;

    Production unit on top level , attemper level and production unit on bottom level are joined by decision-making , lengthways design of function main-chain of each controlling level is constructed under the supporting chain .

  7. 与此同时,在横向上,分阶段(顶层、生产单元层、软构件层)、分链队(决策链、支撑链、功能主链)按照一定的策略进行集成的设计方法。

    At the same time , each different phase ( top level , production unit level and soft-component level ) and chain ( decision-making chain , supporting chain and function main chain ) is integrated according to certain strategy on crossways .

  8. 其次,研究了突发事件造成需求扰动时集中化决策供应链的最优应对措施。

    Secondly , the optimal strategies of centralized decision-making supply chain when emergency brings about demand disruption are come up with .

  9. 针对传统预测与订货模式对不确定的需求缺乏反应的问题,建立了具有需求预测更新的订货模式模型,比较了两种订货模式在集中决策供应链中的收益和最优订货水平。

    Facing the lack of response to uncertain demand in traditional ordering mode , based on the model of the demand forecast update ordering mode , compared the profit of supply chain and the optimal ordering level of the two different mode .

  10. 同时在总结全文论述的基础上,提出了一个有线数字电视的运营模型,该模型包含四条价值链:主价值链、决策价值链、支持价值链及绩效考评价值链。

    At the same time , with the sum-up of the arguments , he put forward a OM of the cable digital TV . It consists of four chains of value , main value chain , decision making chain , supporting chain , and value evaluation chain .

  11. 但是TPL的参与带来了许多新问题,如策略空间选择、运输方式与批量决策和供应链协调问题。

    But the participation of TPL brought many new problems , such as the selection of strategic space , the decision of transport mode and lot size and the coordination of supply chain .

  12. 基于群决策的供应链敏捷度的研究

    The Study on Agility of Supply Chain Based on Group Decision

  13. 一种基于多人决策的供应链协同决策模型

    A Synergic Decision Model of Supply Chain Based on Many-persons Decision Makings

  14. 生产组织形式决策中供应链及转移价格研究

    Research on Transfer Price in Supply Chain and Producing Organized form Decision

  15. 基于顾客退货决策的供应链契约协同研究

    Research of Supply Chain Contract Coordination Based on Consumer 's Return Decision

  16. 模糊决策在供应链伙伴企业选择中的应用

    The Application of Fuzzy Decision in Supply Chain Partner Selection

  17. 确定相对决策权重的链比较法

    Chain comparison method to determine the relative decision weights

  18. 基于群决策的供应链伙伴选择与评价过程

    Process of supply chain partner selection and evaluation based on group decision making

  19. 首先分析了集中化决策下供应链对随机型需求扰动的最优应对策略。

    Firstly , it analyzes the optimal strategy to random demand disruption under centralized decision .

  20. 供应链协调机制的研究旨在讨论分散决策的供应链如何实现系统最优或者如何提升系统的效率。

    The study of supply chain coordination aims at achieving system optimal outcome or improving supply chain efficiency .

  21. 供应链协同决策在供应链管理中发挥重要作用,直接影响供应链的运作水平。

    The collaborative decision of supply chain plays important role in SCM , which affects directly operational levels of supply chain .

  22. 在时间和成本约束下,提出了基于风险和稳健决策的设计链伙伴选择模型。

    A risk and robust decision model is proposed under the constraints of target development time and cost at the same time .

  23. 然后进一步提出了需求变动下集中决策型供应链和分散决策型供应链的协调模型。

    And then the coordination models in a centralized decision-making supply chain and a decentralized decision-making supply chain under demand change are built .

  24. 利用可信性理论,发现集中决策下供应链利润大于分散决策下供应链利润。

    Using credibility theory , we found that the supply chain under centralized decision the profit is greater than the supply chain under decentralized decision .

  25. 在基于协调决策中心供需链管理模式的基础上,本文讨论了代理能力需求和协调决策中心的优化设计问题。

    The optimal design of agent capability requirement and the distribution of coordination and decision center ( CDC ) in CDC-based supply chain management are discussed .

  26. 供应链管理中,由于在分散决策下供应链成员追求的均是自身利益的最大化,而非整个系统的利润最大化,这成为供应链管理面临的一个主要挑战。

    The members are seeking to maximize their own interests , rather than maximizing the profits of the entire system , which is a major challenge in supply chain management .

  27. 采用链管理的目标是,通过行动链和市场,间接地影响所有相关市场主体的决策,使得链的运行尽可能与管理者的目标一致。

    The goal of chain management is to indirectly influence decision-making of all market subjects with activity chain and market , so as to keep the process of chain consistent with supervisors ' goal .

  28. 供应链合同通常提供一些激励以调整供应链的成员关系来协调供应链,使分散决策的供应链的整体利润与一个集中的系统下的利润尽量接近。

    Supply chain contracts often incent the parts of the supply chain to adjust the relationship between them . They help to minimize the difference in profit between the decentralized decision system and centralized system .

  29. 在单周期和多周期订货策略下,研究销售剩余由销售商或供应商处理时,基于联合决策的供应链最优周期服务水平和订货策略。

    With single and multi cycles replenishment policies , as the surplus is disposed by the seller or supplier , the paper compares the cycle service level based on joint decision making and disposing cost sharing .

  30. 然而,在现实商业活动中供应链的各个成员都是独立的经济体,它们都以自身的利益最大化为目标进行决策,供应链整体的利润将不可避免地受到损害。

    However , in reality the supply chain members are independent of each other . They make their decisions in order of maximizing own interest , which lead the overall profits of the supply chain to be damaged inevitably .