
  • 网络Area Control;regional control;Zone control;Local Dimming
  1. 基于BP网络的典型工业过程自适应预测区域控制

    Adaptive Predictive Zone Control Based on BP Neural Networks for Typical Industrial Process

  2. 仿真研究结果表明,与区域控制方法相比,2层优化控制策略在保证床温和主蒸汽压力稳定的前提下,能够有效地降低煤耗。

    The simulation results demonstrate that the proposed two-layered control strategy can decrease the coal consumption effectively while assuring the steady of the bed temperature and main steam pressure compared with only zone control .

  3. 其中,转录因子结合位点是位于基因上游区域控制基因转录的一段DNA序列。

    Transcription factor binding sites is a segment of DNA and located in the upper area of gene and control the transcription .

  4. 华东电网的联络线区域控制偏差(ACE)考核

    Implementation of tie-line area control error ( ace ) examination in East China Power Grid

  5. 整个系统的设计包括三部分内容,即区域控制中心、数字化无绝缘轨道电路、ATP车载设备。

    All the design of the system includes three parts & Controlling center , Digital rail circuit without insulation and loading equipments .

  6. 介绍GPS定位技术在长江口深水航道治理工程中的创新应用,其中有GPS区域控制网、高程异常网的建立;

    This paper introduces the innovative application of GPS positioning technique in Yangtze Estuary Deepwater Channel Regulation Project , including establishment of a Local GPS Control Network and Elevation Anomaly Control Network ;

  7. 进一步根据区域控制偏差(ACE)和频率偏差的大小与方向,对区域总调节功率予以修正,以进一步提高CPS指标。

    Based on the area control error ( ACE ) and frequency deviation , the total regulation power is corrected to be more suitable for CPS .

  8. 本文详细介绍了基于通信的列车控制系统的组成及发展过程,阐述了开发和完善区域控制中心(轨旁设备ZC)的必要性。

    The paper introduces the composition and development of Communication Based Train Control , explains the necessity of developing the Zone Controller .

  9. 作者基于CC-2000调度自动化平台开发了多区域控制的AGC软件,介绍了多区域控制AGC软件的数据库结构、控制程序各模块及用户界面。

    Based on CC-2000 dispatching platform a multi-area AGC software is developed . The database structure , control program module and user interface of this multi-area AGC software are presented .

  10. 以福建电网AGC系统为例,结合前文介绍的控制策略,提出了采用校正区域控制偏差(ACE)作为AGC系统的辅助控制来实现CPS考核要求。

    Taking AGC system of Fujian power network as example , it is put forward to adopt adjusted area control error ( ACE ) which serves as control method auxiliary to AGC to fulfill the CPS .

  11. 常规区域控制误差(ACE)只考虑频率变化和交换功率变化,修正后的ACE还考虑了能量误差和时间误差,它们是因装置和调度存在偏差而导致的。

    The conventional area control error ( ACE ) only considers the changes of frequency and interchanged power while the revised ACE takes the errors of energy and time into account , which are caused by deviation in equipment and dispatching .

  12. 区域控制的实战教学。

    3 , Practice of controlling traffic in a whole area .

  13. 区域控制中心的车次输入及网络通信的研究

    Study on Trains Input and Network Communications in Area Control Center

  14. 通过修正区域控制误差进行自动发电控制

    U. in control . AGC by revision of area control error

  15. 同时,与各区域控制系统的主机通过信道相连接。

    And it is connected to every central computer by channels .

  16. 插值曲线区域控制的加权有理插值方法

    Region Controlling of the Interpolating Curve by Weighted Rational Interpolation

  17. 超声波多普勒流速测量方法的信息窗区域控制研究

    Investigation on Controlling the Area of Information Window by Doppler Ultrasonic Method

  18. 一类有理三次样条的区域控制和逼近性质

    Region control and approximation properties of a rational cubic spline

  19. 基于函数值的有理二次插值曲线的区域控制

    Region Control of a Rational Quadratic Interpolating Curve Based on Function Values

  20. 常德市数字电视区域控制的探讨与实现

    Discussion and Achievement of Regional Control about Changde Digital Television

  21. 区域控制误差在扰动负荷及联络线控制中的策略研究

    The Strategy Research of Area Control Errors Under Disturbed Load and Tie-lines Control

  22. 飞机人工增雨区域控制模拟试验效果评价

    Effect Assessment of a Simulation Test of Airplane Rain Enhancement with Area Control

  23. 安控集中管理系统以区域控制为物理基础。

    The management center is placed in control center .

  24. 基于改进禁忌算法的区域控制偏差分区优化方法

    Region Partitioning Optimization of Area Control Error Based on Improved Tabu Search Algorithm

  25. 区域控制网三维空间转换方法与应用分析

    The 3-D Coordinates Conversion Method of the Area Control Network : Application and Analys

  26. 以太帧头中有个16比特的帧类型区域控制此项。

    To handle this there is a16-bit frame type field in the Ethernet header .

  27. 基于区域控制的三维人体模型个性化定制

    3D human model customization based on area control

  28. 结论:同时放化疗可以很好的局部区域控制局部晚期口咽癌。

    Conclusion : Concurrent chemoradiation provided good locoregional control for locally advanced oropharyngeal carcinoma .

  29. 牵头负责对地市级无线电监测区域控制中心项目建设实施。

    Lead prefecture of radio monitoring area control center project construction implementation . 4 .

  30. 区域控制原则以生态系统运行规律、可持续发展思想和协调论为三大基本理论支柱。

    Regional control is based theoretically on ecological law and the thought of sustainable development .