
  • 网络Regional protection;area protection;local protection
  1. 其次,对于一个城市的遗产保护与更新的基本原则本文概括为:区域保护、局部更新;全面更新、突出特色;新区老区相互联系。

    Traditions of a city should lie in every part of city heritage renovation . Secondly , the thesis sums up principles on protection and renovation of city heritage , namely special area protection and partial renovation , total renovation and characteristics outstand , new districts related with old districts .

  2. 基于结构分量中目标区域保护的SAR图像压缩

    Structure component based target region protecting for SAR image compressing

  3. 图像分解和区域保护在SAR图像压缩中的应用

    Decomposing SAR Image and Protecting Target Region for Compression

  4. 区域保护是依靠通信系统来保证的,本文还建立了Agent单元和保护主机之间的局域网通信模型,对网络中的流量进行分析计算,并利用OPNET软件对网络模型的通信延时和流量进行仿真。

    In addition , because of the regional relay protection needing a strong communications system , so the paper also established LAN model between agent unit and host computer , and calculates the communication network flow . Then the paper analyses the communication delay and flow by OPNET software .

  5. 本文针对遥控和自主式移动机器人失控防范提出了多层安全区域保护体系结构。

    A multi-layer safety structure for mobile robot is studied .

  6. 分层式电网区域保护系统的原理和实现

    Principle and Realization of the Hierarchical Region Protective System for Power Systems

  7. 结晶器中弯月面区域保护渣液流场的数学模拟

    Math Modeling of Mold Flux Flow Field in Meniscus Region

  8. 关于东非区域保护区和受保护野生动植物的议定书

    Protocol concerning Protected Areas and Wild Fauna and Flora in the Eastern African Region

  9. 马克:那个区域保护得很好。

    Mark : That area is very well-maintained .

  10. 在诠释区域保护性开发含义的基础上,确立研究区保护内容。

    On the basis of regional development , the development measures have been established .

  11. 该保护方案具体有以下几方面的内容:①区域保护系统的结构功能。

    The protection scheme is the following aspects : ① Structure and function of regional relay protection .

  12. 核心区域保护是数字营区对于其所属重要部位进行高要求安全防范。

    The protection of core area is the high-security requirements for the important parts of the digital barrack .

  13. 区域保护优势:一县城仅限一家,有效的区域市场保护。

    Fourth , regional protection advantages : First , only one county , the effective protection of the regional market .

  14. 区域保护性开发主张在保护环境的前提下,进行适当区域开发建设活动,以开发活动促进环境保护,以环境保护带动经济发展。

    Region conservational developments advocate to process properly construct action under the premise of environmental protection . Developments aim to protect environment while environmental protection improve the economical development .

  15. 通过生态功能区划明确各种区域保护与开发的方向,指导经济社会与生态保护的科学、合理布局。

    Identify a clear variety of regional protection and development direction to guide the economic and social and ecological protection , scientific , rational distribution of ecological functional division .

  16. 其中四阶偏微分方程去噪能很好的恢复平滑区域保护细小纹理,并且避免阶梯效应产生,但去噪效率不高,保护边缘能力不强。

    Smooth regions are protected well and the staircase are not produced by Four-Order partial differential equation , but it has low de-noising rate and is bad at protecting edge .

  17. 然而,这个改造项目并未参照理应具有法律约束力的区域保护规划,规划要求保留街区的风貌,改造则应以院落为单位。

    Yet the project makes no reference to a supposedly legally binding conservation plan for the area that requires retention of its texture and development to be on a courtyard-by-courtyard basis .

  18. 在不同的观看模式下,图像显示出不同的视觉效果,而色彩度保护区域保护图像的色调不变,避免了图像失真,达到厂家要求。

    In different view mode , the images show different visual effects , and gray protected areas protect the same hue of the image to avoid the image distortion , and to require manufacturers .

  19. 详细介绍了区域保护系统的层次结构以及工作过程,阐述了用于故障定位的零、负序方向元件的原理,以及基于序分量和阻抗的综合选相元件的原理。

    A detailed description is made of the structure and the work process of the region protective system . The principles of the zero and negative sequence directional protection and synthetic fault phase selection are dealt with .

  20. 对该区域受保护资源的访问基于RACF用户个人文件及其群组成员关系。

    Access to protected resources on this region is based on the RACF user profile and its group membership .

  21. IPPC秘书处同成员国政府和区域植物保护组织磋商决定制定标准的优先领域并且协调标准的制定过程。

    The IPPC Secretariat , in consultation with member governments and RPPOs , defines priorities FOR standard setting and coordinates their elaboration .

  22. 环境NGO参与长三角区域环境保护,模式可以多样化,可以采取以社区为基础为依托的参与模式,与政府合作的参与模式,与企业、商业结合的参与模式以及以全球为视野的参与模式等等。

    There are many modes for environmental NGO to participate in the regional environmental protection in the Yangtze River delta area , such as the mode on the basis of community and the cooperative mode with the government and the like .

  23. 本文利用Fluent大型商业软件,对情况复杂的弯月面区域内保护渣流动行为进行数学模拟研究,这为系统分析弯月面区域影响保护渣流入的因素,提供了理论基础。

    This paper make use of the large business software FLUENT for the numerical simulation of the mold slag flowing in the meniscus field . It provide theoretic base for the systematically analysis of the factor which influence the slag flowing behavior in the meniscus field .

  24. 3加强区域环境保护和治理。

    Thirdly , regional environmental protection and management should be strengthened .

  25. 东南亚和太平洋区域植物保护协定

    Plant Protection Agreement for the South East Asia and Pacific Region

  26. 关于区域环境保护制度改革的博弈分析

    Game Theory Analysis on Reform of Regional Environment Protection System

  27. 关于澜沧江-湄公河次区域环境保护立法的思考

    Legislative Thinking on the Environmental Protection in Lancang-Mekong River Subregion

  28. 区域耕地保护目标的合理选择&以浙江省为例

    The Reasonable Choice on Protected Target of Cultivated Land in Zhejiang Province

  29. 我们再也不受能量区域的保护了。

    We are no longer protected by an energy field .

  30. 分布式集中决策的区域智能保护系统结构与算法

    System Architecture and Algorithm of Regional Intelligent Protection System with Distributed Centralized Decision