
  1. 描述:侦查的作用是专注于探索地图并在不被敌方发现的情况下从危险区域收集有用的物资。

    Description : The recon is a marine focused on exploring the map and retrieving useful items and objects from dangerous areas without attracting the attention of enemies .

  2. 这意味着它们不再需要在每个婴儿区域收集过程中进行处理,并且能够在每个婴儿区域收集中幸存下来的数据量更小。

    This means that they no longer need to be flipped on every nursery collection , and the amount of data that survives each nursery collection is lower .

  3. 此算法在每轮运行过程中,汇聚点只需去指定的区域收集数据,并在此区域停留一段时间,就能确保本轮的生命周期最优。

    In each running round of this algorithm , mobile sink only need to collect datum from the designated area and stay in this area for some time , which can ensure optimal to the life of this round .

  4. 本研究以房山区为研究区域,收集了房山区1986年&2004年共19年的林火历史数据、气象数据、经济文化等相关的统计数据。

    Fangshan district as research region , its forest fire data , weather data , economic and cultural data from 1986 to 2004 be got .

  5. 中国各地的区域数据收集机构通过低报实际产量,掩盖了那些钢厂仍在生产钢材的事实。

    Regional data-gathering bodies around China have disguised the fact the mills are still churning out metal by declaring that output is lower than is the case .

  6. 如果该银行需要获得一份清单,列出那些在贷款中承担了过高风险的支行,它就会按区域来收集该清单。

    If the corporation wants to get a list of branches that are taking too much risk in their loans , it collects the list for each region .

  7. 并提出一种凝聚层次的聚集算法,对Fusion节点的移动协调控制,解决相邻区域节点重叠收集的问题,消除收集冗余,提高网络生存周期。

    Then propose a hierarchical clustering algorithm to achieve coordinating control to the movement of Fusion nodes , resolve the overlapping collection problem of adjacent regional nodes , eliminating collecting redundancy and improving network survival period .

  8. 在这个应用程序中,对象创建和灭亡的模式受益于gencon策略没有碎片和稀疏填充婴儿区域的迅速收集。

    The pattern of object creation and object death in this application benefits from the gencon policy 's absence of fragmentation and rapid collections of sparsely populated nurseries .

  9. 多跳路由是指聚集无线传感器网络各个区域每个节点收集到信息,并且最终汇聚到无线传感器网络基站上去。

    Multi-hop routing is to gathering the data collected by all the nodes scattered in various areas , and eventually , transmit the data to sink .

  10. 这种风格的收集器有一个重大好处:通过在每次收集时移动活动对象,托儿所区域在每次收集时都被隐式压缩。

    This style of collector has an important benefit : by moving live objects with each collection , the nursery area is implicitly compacted with each collect .

  11. 其次改善并且建立有效的水资源随季节性变化区域的雨水收集及存储系统,从而确保全年水供应并且构建抗干旱系统;

    improving and building effective rainwater capture and storage systems in areas where water availability is seasonally variable , thus securing water supplies throughout the year and building resiliency to drought ;

  12. 传感器网络由大量能够对外界环境变化作出反应的传感器结点组成,在典型的应用环境中,传感器结点散布在整个任务区域内并收集数据,结点之间相互协同工作,共同完成任务。

    The sensor networks are consists of large numbers of sensor nodes which can react with the environment . In typical applications , the sensor nodes are widely deployed in the target area to collect data .

  13. 通过区域地质资料收集和现场地质考察,总结出地应力条件是引水隧洞区域岩爆的控制因素,通过对岩爆影响因素、理论判据和现场岩爆发生情况的对比,判断理论判据的适用性。

    Summarized that the geo-stress condition was the most important factor of rock burst through geological collected data and investigation ; through the comparison of geo-stress conditions , theoretical criteria and the actual rockburst , determined the applicability of theoretical criteria . 2 .

  14. 大多数实时收集器工作在单个对象层次上,而GarbageFirst则在区域层次上进行收集。

    Whilst most real-time collectors work at the highly granular level of individual objects , Garbage First collects at the region level .

  15. 当服务区域JVM的垃圾收集合理和可接受时,此方法是首选的方法。

    This approach is preferred when garbage collection for the servant region JVM is reasonable and acceptable .

  16. 用于应用程序管理堆外内存区域和避免垃圾收集(GC)导致的延迟的机制就是一个此类的扩展。

    One such extension is a mechanism for applications to manage areas of memory outside of the heap and avoid delays that are caused by garbage collection ( GC ) .

  17. 英国石油公司同时确认因飓风“Alex”目前正要刮过该区域,从海面收集漏油的工作只能暂时停止。

    But the company also confirmed that efforts to collect oil from the surface of the water had been temporarily placed on hold due to Hurricane Alex , which is currently passing through the region .

  18. 最后,还有混合型的收集器,如1.2和以后版本的JDK使用的分代收集器,它对堆的不同区域使用不同的收集算法。

    Finally , there are hybrid collectors , such as the generational collector employed by the1.2 and later JDKs , which use different collection algorithms on different areas of the heap .

  19. 区域秸秆资源最优化收集路径与运输成本分析

    Collection path optimization and transportation cost analysis of regional stalk resource

  20. 对公厕和菜场等公共排水区域,采用增设格栅井的方法以解决这些特殊区域污水收集管道易堵塞等难题。

    Pipe jacking method could be used to solve the difficulties setting pipeline in bumper-to-bumper traffic area .