
  • 网络Dunning;David Dunning;Danin
  1. 达宁给出了一个例子:在大学考试中得了D或者F的同学更容易认为,自己所付出的努力应该换回更好的成绩。

    Dunning gives an example : College students who hand in exams that will earn them Ds and Fs tend to think their efforts will be worthy of far higher grades .

  2. 在达宁看来,这一结果并不奇怪。

    The result , according to Dunning , is not surprising .

  3. 他拥有相当多董事会和顾问委员会的头衔,其中包括麻省理工学院-哈佛博德研究所(theBroadInstituteofMIT)以及史隆基达宁癌症中心(theMemorialSloan-KetteringCancerCenter)。

    Serves on numerous boards and advisory committees , from the broad Institute of MIT and Harvard to the Memorial Sloan-Kettering Cancer Center .

  4. 根据萘磺酸右丙氧芬具有旋光性的特点,采用旋光法测定丙氧氨酚复方片(达宁片)中萘磺酸右丙氧芬的含量,其平均回收率为99.8%,RSD为0.34%。

    This paper reports determination of propoxyphene napsylate in propoxyphene napsylate and acetaminophen tablets using the method of optical rotation . The average recovery and RSD were 99 . 8 % and 0 . 34 % respectively .

  5. 达宁说,有时候,我们的无知加上不该有的自信会引起大灾难。

    Occasionally , Dunning says , our ignorance and misplaced confidence can lead to disasters .

  6. 达宁表示,很大程度上,我们并知道自己无知的范围。

    To a great degree , Dunning says , we fail to recognize the frequency and scope of our ignorance .

  7. 过去的二十多年间,达宁一直致力于研究人类对其知识、推理与学习的理解和评价。

    For more than 20 years , he has researched people 's understanding and evaluation of their knowledge , reasoning and learning .

  8. 在一个类似吉米•科莫尔搞笑节目的实验室里,达宁与康奈尔大学的其他同事一起正在做一个类似的实验。

    With his colleagues at Cornell , Dunning carries out ongoing research in a lab that is constructed similarly to Kimmel 's gag .

  9. 而达宁说,事实上,受访者越是认为自己了解某个领域,就越容易声称自己熟悉那些与之有关的、不存在的术语。

    In fact , Dunning says , the more knowledgeable respondents considered themselves on a general topic , the more familiarity they claimed with the meaningless terms associated with it .

  10. 达宁说使研究结果有意义的关键是保证受测者不知道测试的真正目的,尤其科内尔学生们的智商普遍较高,欺骗研究人员的可能性不是没有。

    The trick to making the study meaningful was making sure the test subjects didn 't know what was going on , Dunning said , noting that the generally high IQ of Cornell students made cheating a real possibility .

  11. 美国康奈尔大学的心理学教授大卫达宁表示,对某些受访者而言,这些陷阱也许并不简单,因为其中那些听上去最自信的受访者似乎坚信自己知道一些答案。

    But for some of these interviewees , says David Dunning , a professor of psychology at Cornell University , the trap may be an even deeper one . The most confident-sounding respondents often seem to think they do have some clue .

  12. 达宁和研究生艾米丽·巴尔塞迪斯从科内尔大学选出412名志愿者,对他们进行五次单独测试。他们选择了一些模棱两可的图片,这些图像可以被看成是两种截然不同的东西,例如看起来既像马头又像海豹。

    In five separate tests conducted by Dunning and a graduate student , Emily Balcetis , 412 volunteers from Cornell were presented with an ambiguous ( 4 ) picture that could be interpreted as two distinct ( 5 ) figures , either a horse 's head or the body of a seal , for example .