
  • 网络Romanesque churches;Minster;Pisa-Romanesque;Romanesaue
  1. 精巧的罗马式教堂又得到威尼斯时期出色的文艺复兴式和巴洛克式建筑的补充。

    Its beautiful Romanesque churches are complemented by the outstanding Renaissance and Baroque buildings from the Venetian period .

  2. 罗马式教堂延续不变的厚重桶形穹顶,需要加强承重墙以躲避向外的侧向推力。

    ROMANESQUE_VAULTING_DESC ; Romanesque churches sustained massive barrel vaults , requiring the reinforcement of the load-bearing walls in order to parry the lateral outward thrust .

  3. 这个地区以其罗马式的教堂闻名。

    The area is renowned for its Romanesque churches

  4. 两年多前,两人在大约20名亲友的见证下,在他们位于法国南部的米拉瓦尔庄园(ChateauMiraval)内一座罗马式小教堂举行了婚礼。

    The announcement came a little over two years after the couple married in a ceremony before roughly 20 friends and family members in a Romanesque chapel on the grounds of Chateau Miraval , their estate in the South of France .

  5. 达勒姆大教堂是一著名的罗马式大教堂。

    Durham Cathedral is a famous Romanesque cathedral .