
luó mǎ yǔ
  • Romance languages;the Romance group of languages
  1. 一种普遍基于罗马语的人工语言。

    An artificial language based on words common to the Romance languages .

  2. 如果你曾经上过罗马语课程,你就会知道这些都是早餐主语。你回答对了吗?

    If you 're taking a class in Romans language , you 'll know that these are terms for breakfast .

  3. 美国语言协会是对于古希腊及古罗马语,文献,及文明的经典研究的主要学术协会。

    The American Philological Association is the principal learned society for Classical Studies of ancient Greek and Roman languages , literatures , and civilizations .

  4. 夏奇拉还在声明中解释了名字的含义。“在斯拉夫语里,米兰的意思是亲爱的,可爱的,亲切的。在古罗马语里,米兰的意思是热切的,勤劳的。在梵语里,米兰的意思是统一,结合。”

    In the online post , Shakira explained that the name Milan , ( pronounced MEE-lahn ) , means dear , loving and gracious in Slavic ;

  5. 因此今日的意大利语,并非罗马语或威尼斯语(尽管它们是强大的军事商业城市),甚至不尽然是佛罗伦萨语。基本上是但丁语。

    The Italian we speak today , therefore , is not Roman or Venetian ( though these were the powerful military and merchant cities ) nor even really entirely Florentine .

  6. 瑞士有四种官方与民族语言;德语、法语、意大利语和拉丁罗马语,然而,讲拉丁罗马语的人口通常还不到瑞士人口的1%,多半居住在瑞士东南部的格劳宾登地区。

    There are four official , national languages : german , french , Italian and romanish , although the last is commonly spoken by less than one percent of the population , living mainly in the District of Graubunden in the southeast .

  7. 法语、意大利语、西班牙语、加泰罗尼亚语、葡萄牙语及罗马尼监语都是罗曼语。

    French , italian , spanish , catalan , Portuguese and Romanian are all romance languages .

  8. 35世纪入侵罗马帝国的日尔曼语民族的人。

    One of the Teutonic people who invaded the Roman Empire in the3rd to5th centuries .

  9. 3&5世纪入侵罗马帝国的日尔曼语民族的人。日耳曼语族的一个分支。

    The Germanic branch of the Indo - European language family one of the Teutonic people who invaded the Roman Empire in the 3rd to 5th centuries .

  10. 德国会臣服于罗马,德语也将被罗马语替代,新政改革很可能不会发生,更不用说三十年战争或一战了。

    Germany would have come under Roman rule , Germanic languages would be replaced by Romance ones , and the Reformation would likely never have happened , nor would the Thirty Years War or World War I. The modern world wouldn 't just be different ;