
  • 网络Free verse;vers libre
  1. 而相关的动作的主题必须根据前后文来理解。carryon继续开展,坚持如果你对韵律不敏感的话,那就继续写自由体诗或散文吧。

    If you don 't have an ear for a meter , carry on writing free verse or prose .

  2. 论中国现代自由体诗与西方现代文化之关系

    An Analysis on Modern Chinese Free Verse and Modern Western Cultures

  3. 形式上,他采用自由体诗,打破传统的十四行诗的韵律,像惠特曼一样采用长句、重复、叠韵、罗列等技巧表达自己的情感。

    In form , by adopting free style poems and breaking the traditional rhyme of sonnet , he used the literary such techniques as long sentences , repetition , vowel rhyme and enumeration , expressed his feelings .

  4. 在诗的形式方面他更倾向于自由与自然之美,提倡散文诗和自由体诗。

    He prefers the beauty of freedom and nature and advocates prose poetry and free verse .