
  • 网络natural demand;natural need
  1. 第一章:晚清交通事业的管理相形混乱,邮传部的成立就是这一客观现状的自然需求所致。

    Chapter 1 : The confused management of Late Qing Dynasty 's communication resulted in the natural demand of this objective situation , which led to the establishment of Yu-chuan Pu .

  2. 中国道德形而上学的合理性及其世界意义在于,人的满足自身生存的自然需求就内在地包含着实现自身的界限和规则,即良知、良能,从而实现了性与理、天与人的内在统一。

    The rationality and the world significance of Chinese ethical metaphysics is that human beings'natural need to exist inherently includes the realization of self bounding and rules , and to further realize the inherent unity of reason and sense , nature and human beings .

  3. 不可再生的自然资源需求上的压力。

    It puts pressure on vuinerabie naturai resources .

  4. 在现代人类对自然渴望需求越来越高的今天,水体景观在建筑空间中饰演着重要的中介角色。

    As a certain medium , water plays an essential role in the architectural space .

  5. 对我们而言,唯一的最强大的市场趋势就是对自然资源需求的不断增强。

    The single biggest market trend for us is the escalating demand for natural resources .

  6. 为了获得最大的发电量,在满足自然采光需求的情况下,较低的外层光伏发电玻璃透射率是被推荐的选择。

    Targeted at obtain the maximum electricity production , lower transmittance that can meet the daylighting demand was proposed .

  7. 一些分析人士将其归因于中国的自然资源需求。这种需求已对数个非洲国家的收入起到了推动作用。

    Some analysts attribute this to demand for natural resources from China , which has boosted income in several African countries .

  8. 读书对我来说,是一种很自然的需求,如鱼在水如鸟在天。

    As a kind of natural necessity , reading is to me what water is to fish or the sky is to birds .

  9. 希斯考特说:如果自然资源需求持续强劲,1000亿美元的财富对莱茵哈特来说并非不可能。

    A $ 100 billion fortune is not out of the question for Rinehart if the resources boom continues unabated , said Heathcote .

  10. 当前,快速的的城镇化发展对村镇土地空间和自然资源需求的增长与村镇有限的土地资源和自然环境承载力之间的矛盾日益突出。

    Nowadays , the conflict increasingly stand out between rapid urbanization development and the limited land resource of villages and towns as well as the carrying capacity of natural environment .

  11. 乡村旅游顺应了当前旅游诉求多元化的趋势,满足了人们希望远离城市喧嚣、贴近自然的需求。

    Rural Tourism conform to the current trend of diversification of tourism demand , It is hoped to meet away from the city hustle and bustle , Close to the natural demand .

  12. 加上为了实现土地的集约型利用,同时满足市民回归自然的需求,我国部分发展速度比较快的城市纷纷开始规划和建设郊野公园。

    Coupled with the intensive land use , and meet the people return to a natural demand for the faster development of some Chinese cities have started planning and construction of the Country Park .

  13. 希斯考特说,随着对澳大利亚自然资源需求量的增加,莱茵哈特有望赶超墨西哥电信大亨卡洛斯•斯利姆(其个人资产为690亿美元),成为全世界最富有的人。

    Heathcote said Rinehart was on track to overtake Mexican telecommunications tycoon Carlos Slim worth US $ 69 billion as the world 's richest person as demand ramps up for Australia 's natural resources .

  14. 中印两国最明显的相似之处包括:这两个亚洲国家均幅员辽阔;人口都很众多;均较为贫穷;经济增长均颇为迅速,而且都对自然资源需求若渴。

    Their only obvious similarities are that each occupies much of Asia 's land mass ; each is populous ; each is poor ; each is growing fast and each is hungry for natural resources .

  15. 中国近年来的快速工业化进程和贸易扩张,使人们开始考虑中国对自然资源需求的持续增加是否会影响到中国乃至整个世界的经济稳定及其增长。

    China 's rapid pace of industrialisation and trade expansion have led many to ask whether its ever-increasing demand for resources can be met without disruption to economic stability and growth in China and the world as a whole .

  16. 但我国经济发展对自然资源需求加大和资源供给短缺之间的矛盾日益突出,资源浪费、环境污染问题严重。

    But the conflict between the increasing demand on natural resources of economic development and the shortage of resources supply is becoming extremely fierce . However the waste of resources and environmental pollution is become more serious as well .

  17. 经济和社会的快速发展导致自然资源需求量的急剧增加,使城市发展面临巨大的人口、资源与环境压力,由此产生影响经济、社会可持续发展和生态安全问题。

    Rapid economic and social development has led to the sharp increase in demand for natural resources , Make cities facing huge pressure of population , resources and environment , The resulting economic and social impact of sustainable development and ecological safety problems .

  18. 人类文明进步的步伐迈入21世纪的同时,经济高速发展所带来的对于自然资源需求的急速膨胀与世界范围内出现的资源短缺现状之间的矛盾构成了当前世界经济发展过程中不可忽视的问题。

    When the human history comes into 21st century , the high speed development of economy brings the contradiction between the natural resources short present situation and the rapid natural resources demand inflation , which becomes the noticeable problem in the current world economics developing process .

  19. 基于生态足迹理论,从经济系统对自然资源的需求和供给角度出发,对江苏省阜宁县县域生态经济系统进行研究,提出了万元GDP生态赤字(盈余)的概念。

    Based on the theory of ecological footprint , the ecological economic system in Funing County of Jiangsu Province was analyzed in view of the demand and supply of natural resources by economic system .

  20. 随着数字视频技术的快速发展和广泛应用,传统的二维平面视频已经不能满足人们对情景真实和自然再现的需求,3D立体显示技术应运而生。

    As the rapid development and wide application of digital video technology , traditional two-dimensional plane video can not meet the basely requirements , such as true and natural reproduction of the scene , so 3D stereoscopic display technology came into being .

  21. 这对自然资源的需求是一个双重打击。

    For natural resources demand , this is a dual blow .

  22. 这两方面问题的存在造成了当前我们在面对自然灾害知识需求的时候无所适从。

    These two problems now have caused our powerless in the face of natural disaster .

  23. 森林旅游依托独特的森林景观,可满足人们回归自然的心理需求。

    Forest Tourism relies on the unique forest landscape , can meet peoples psychological needs .

  24. 新的国际货币的引入自然会引起需求变化,并改变相对价格。

    The introduction of new international currencies would naturally shift demand and alter relative prices .

  25. 使用者对计算机操作的便捷性和人机交互过程中的自然程度的需求日渐提高。

    The demand of users to the convenience of the computer operating and the naturalness of human-computer interaction is rising .

  26. 因此,我们的英语课堂就是创造全英文的环境和真实自然的交际需求,使学员自然运用英语表达自己。

    Therefore , our teaching mandate is to create a natural and realistic English environment for students to use the language .

  27. 主要用于软件的需求阶段,它摒弃了采用自然语言描述需求的模糊性和二义性。

    It mainly uses in the software demand stage , abandoning using the natural language description demand the fuzziness and the ambiguity .

  28. 在实际调整机制下,预期通胀对货币需求没有独立的影响,而在名义调整机制下,通胀预期自然成为货币需求的一个解释变量。

    Inflation expectation plays no independently role on money demand in real adjustment process , however , it does in nominal process .

  29. 本文重点论述农村产业结构优化的自然动力、需求动力、科技动力、政策动力。

    This paper mainly discusses the natural force , force of requirement , technological force , force of policy for enterprise structure optimization .

  30. 近年来,随着世界各国旅游业的快速发展,导致自然旅游资源需求的大幅度增加。

    In recent years , with the rapid development of countries in the world of tourism , nature tourism resource requirements increase dramatically .