
  • 网络Human resource development;HRD
  1. 这篇论文着重讨论了人力资源发展部及咨询师在用国际英语沟通技巧进行培训方面所起的作用。

    This paper focuses on the role of HRD and consultants in fostering training in the use of International English communication skills .

  2. 随着英语的地域性变化的发展,认为说英语的人都理解人力资源发展概念的假设也许不能成立。

    As local variations of English develop the assumption that the HRD ( Human Resource Development ) key concepts are commonly understood by all speakers of English may not be true .

  3. C还在美国接受了有关人力资源发展、组织发展和咨询方面的培训。

    C has been trained in the United States in the area of human resource development as well as organization development and consulting .

  4. X公司必须结合内外部实际,注重公司人力资源发展,员工的教育培训工作必须吸收不断创新和变革的教学培训管理和教学模式。

    This requires that Company X must combine external and internal reality , focusing on the development of human resources , education and training must absorb innovation and change management , and teaching and training teaching mode .

  5. KC曾在美国和日本接受过人力资源发展、组织发展和咨询方面的培训。

    A Chartered Accountant and Chartered Secretary , KC was trained in the USA and Japan in Human Resource Development , Organisation Development and Consultancy .

  6. 在卡皮尔•席保(KapilSibal)这位有才干的、精力充沛的人力资源发展部长面前,横亘着大量艰巨的任务。

    Kapil Sibal , the talented and energetic Minister for human resource development has a Herculean task ahead .

  7. 在以上调查、探析的基础上,本文根据深圳XX物流公司整体战略发展目标,拟定了以下人力资源发展战略目标:1.建立清晰的职位分类体系,制定完善、清晰的岗位说明书,加强任职管理。

    Then the author concludes below strategic targets of human resources based on the overall strategic development targets of Shenzhen XX Logistics Company . 1 . Establish clear job classification system , formulate comprehensive and clear job descriptions , and strengthen the competency management ; 2 .

  8. 的确,如Amoah和那里的Baum(1997)所要求是双行道的观光事业和款待之间的关系,在一只手、和人力资源发展和管理方面在另一个中。

    Indeed , as postulated by Amoah and Baum ( 1997 ) there is a two-way relationship between tourism and hospitality , in one hand , and human resource development and management in the other .

  9. 确定人力资源发展的指导方针和战略目标;

    Confirmthe guiding principle of human resource development and strategic objective ;

  10. 知识经济时代我国企业人力资源发展及对策

    Prospect of Knowledge Economy and Human Resource Development in Enterprises in China

  11. 加快西部地区大开发的人力资源发展战略问题

    On Developing Human Resources to Speed up the Exploitation in West China

  12. 广东白云学院人力资源发展规划研究

    Study on Human Resources Development Planning of Guangdong Baiyun University

  13. 东盟&太平洋人力资源发展方案合作特设工作组

    Ad Hoc Working Group on ASEAN-Pacific Cooperation on Human Resources Development Programme

  14. 90年代我国科技人力资源发展的展望

    Prospects for the Development of S. & T. Talent Resources in the 90s

  15. 主管人力资源发展和业务政策副总裁

    Vice Presidency for Human Resources Development and Operations Policy

  16. 中国人力资源发展演化及地域结构分析

    Evolution and Regional Structure of Human Resources in China

  17. 台湾旅游人力资源发展政策转变之探讨

    Transition in Tourism Human Resources Development Policy in Taiwan

  18. 然而,大多数发展中国家在人力资源发展上面临着严重缺点。

    Most developing countries , however , face serious shortcomings in human resources development .

  19. 英联邦人力资源发展战略工作组

    Commonwealth Working Group on Human Resource Development Strategies

  20. 人力资源发展趋势与管理政策演变

    Human Resource Changing & Its Managing Policies

  21. 旅游人力资源发展&21世纪的一项艰巨任务

    The Development of Human Resources in Tourism

  22. 日本体育人力资源发展状况及对我国体育发展的启示

    Development of Sports Human Resources in Japan and Its Revelation to the Sports Development in China

  23. 从科学发展观看企业的人力资源发展战略

    On the strategies for development of companies ' human Resources-A perspective of the scientific concept of development

  24. 我国普通高等教育人力资源发展水平的统计分析

    Statistical analysis for the development of the 31 regions ' human recourses of higher education in our country

  25. 规划和管理海岸及海洋地区的人力资源发展和能力建设行动计划

    Action Plan for Human Resources Development and Capacity-Building for the Planning and Management of Coastal and Marine Areas

  26. 本文就此分析了旅游人力资源发展的动因并提出对策。

    This essay has analysed the motive cause of its development and put forward tactics to cope with it .

  27. 另外三分之一用来支持人力资源发展,其中包括用水与卫生、艾滋病病毒/艾滋病、以及教育方案。

    Another third goes to human development , including water and sanitation , HIV / AIDS , and education program .

  28. 基于中部崛起背景下的安徽农村人力资源发展现状、问题及对策

    The Present Situation and the Strategy of Development of Rural Personal Resources of Anhui Province Based on the Rise of Mid-China Region

  29. 我曾代表国家参加奥运,我获得硕士学位,而现在我在迈阿密贝瑞大学攻读人力资源发展的博士学位。

    I 've represented the country in the Olympics , I secured my Master 's degree , and I 'm now working on my Ph.

  30. 督导委员会聘请顾问,探讨金融服务业在人力资源发展方面的供求情况。

    The steering committee commissioned a consultancy study to examine the demand for and supply of human resources development in the financial services sector .