
hán diàn
  • correspondence;letter and telegram
函电 [hán diàn]
  • [letter and telegram] 书信和电报的合称

函电[hán diàn]
  1. 略论《外贸英语函电》课程教学方法的改进

    On Improving the Teaching Methods of English Correspondence in International Trade

  2. 经贸英语函电在对外经济贸易业务中的作用十分重要。

    Business English correspondence plays an important role in international trade .

  3. 我利用上下班在汽车中的时间来阅读和答复给我的函电。

    I used the commuting time to read and answer my mail .

  4. 外贸函电写作的三C原则

    Principle of Three Csin the Writing of Business Letters

  5. 申请F字签证,须有被授权单位的函电;

    In application for Visa F , a letter or telegram from the authorized organization ;

  6. 成功的外贸函电写作必须遵循六C原则:即清楚、简洁、正确、礼貌、完整和会话的语调。

    There are six " C " principles that must be followed , namely ," clearness , conciseness , correctness , courtesy , completeness and conversational tone " .

  7. 银行SWIFT函电特点分析

    Features of SWIFT-based Banking Correspondences

  8. 申请Z字签证,须有中国聘雇单位的聘请或者雇用证明,或者被授权单位的函电;

    In application for Visa Z , a letter of appointment or employment from the sponsor or employer organization in China or a letter or telegram from an authorized organization ;

  9. 介绍了美国进口商协会(AIA)关于促销信函的写作要求及其范例,提出了对商务函电教材编写及商务函电教学的一些看法。

    American Importers Association ( AIA ) offers some tips on how to have an effective communication with American importers . By Introducing the requirements of AIA , this paper presents the author 's opinion on compiling textbooks and teaching of business correspondence .

  10. 商务函电英语的语体特征概述

    A General Introduction to the Stylistic Features of Business English Correspondence

  11. 市场的需求要求函电教学从传统的英语教学中解放出来。

    The market demands enable us to improve the communication teaching .

  12. 外贸英语函电的语域及其写作原则

    Register of English for Foreign Trade Correspondence and Its Writing Principles

  13. 外贸函电的特点及其翻译对策

    The Characteristics of Commercial Correspondence and the Countermeasures in Translation

  14. 经贸英语函电中常见的错误及剖析

    The Typical Mistakes and Their Analysis in Business English Correspondence

  15. 外贸英语函电教学模式与教学方法的思考

    The Innovation of Teaching Mode and Methods for Foreign Trade English Correspondence

  16. 经历1992年至今汕头国际贸易发展公司办公室秘书,负责书写给外国贸易伙伴的英文函电。

    Responsible for writing English Correspondence and telecommunications to foreign trade partners .

  17. 浅谈如何提高外贸函电课的教学效果

    How to Improve the Foreign Trade of Letters Teaching Effect

  18. 外贸函电中的合作原则和礼貌原则

    Cooperative Principle and Polite Principle in Letters of Foreign Trade

  19. 对教授商业函电英语的几点建议

    English Title : Suggestions on Teaching of Business Letter Writing

  20. 行动导向教学法在高职外贸英语函电课程中的应用

    The Application of Action-oriented Teaching Approach in English Correspondence for Foreign Trade

  21. 体裁分析在商务英语函电教学中的应用

    Application of Genre Analysis in Teaching of Business English Correspondence

  22. 论话语标记语在国际航运业务英语函电中的功用

    On the Role of Discourse Markers in Correspondence English for International Shipping

  23. 外贸英语函电句式的选择与语用理据分析

    The Analysis to Pragmatic Motivation of Choosing Sentence Pattern in English Correspondence

  24. 外贸函电的文体学特征及其写作

    Stylistic Features of Foreign Trade Correspondence and Its Writing

  25. 外贸英语函电课程特点及教法探索

    English for International Business Communication-Its Characteristics and Teaching Method

  26. 给我送一份这封商业函电的复印件来。

    Send me a copy of this business letter .

  27. 作为言语行为的国际贸易英语函电研究

    On English Correspondence for International Trade as Speech Acts

  28. 第九讲外贸函电(七)支付论承兑人付款责任的特点

    On the Characteristics of Making Payment Responsibility of Acceptor

  29. 浅谈世界银行高速公路贷款项目函电与文件的翻译

    Translation of Fax and Document on Expressway Project under the World Bank Loan

  30. 浅谈文体学指导商务英语函电教学

    On Letter & Cable Writing in Business English Under the Guidance of Stylistics